It isn't just that the JWs aren't as big as the Catholic church. There is a delusion that all JWs are taught and that is playing a big part in this conversation. We were all taught that the world was watching us, that the JWs were the center of the universe. The reality is that every single person I have spoken to after leaving the cult has almost no idea who the JWs are. Every time I tell someone I was a JW they ask me what that is.
No one is covering this 'big leak' because it is only a big leak to the people involved in it. To everyone else it doesn't matter any more than it would matter if a leak of the same type was made about the policies of the ONE Campaign (an international campaign with 8 million members). To them it would be huge, but we are all asking what that is.
Catholicism is the original christian religion. Every other christian religion is a spin-off of that. The JWs are spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off. No one else cares or even knows who or what we are. If you want mainstream attention then you have to get the Jehovahs Witnesses into mainstream media in the first place. Most JWs don't have the charisma for mainstream media. If you had some people who understood mainstream media and also had charisma... A youtube channel that was entertaining and highlighted the crazy of the JWs might take off. People love watching crazy, when it is entertaining and done well. If you had some entertaining people doing a podcast that views the world from the crazy perspecive of the JWs that might also work. But the JWs and the exJWs seem to think that the world will care about a group of people who don't care about and are not part of the world. This should be a 'Duh!' moment, and instead ex-jws are dumbfounded as to why the rest of the world doesn't care about them. The rest of the world doesn't have any reason to care about the JWs.
One Campaign - International ogranization with 8 million members.
Catholic count by country - Wikipedia from Catholic citations
Catholic count by country - Pew Research Center (1910 to 2010)
Jehovahs Witness count by country - Wikipedia from JW citations
Unable to find statistics on the JW religion that don't come from the JW.