I came from poverty and I'm still poor. The one job I really wanted was to be a mother and I can't do that. For the record, they don't adopt kids out to poor people, and for good reason. But even if they did, for health reasons, the better choice is to not have children. There are a lot of jobs I can't do for health reasons. I'm a good teacher. Teaching does not pay the bills. None of the things that I find joy in, pay the bills. And I'm not good at doing things that I can't find any joy in.
I haven't found success in business yet. But I did do one thing that I will count towards any success that I do eventually achieve. I went back to college. I had started in my early twenties and dropped out to deal with (diagnosed) extreme PTSD. I would tell anyone who is older and wants to go to college to go for it. I know this is true in the US. Ever since the recession hit in 2008 a LOT of older people have gone to college to change careers or to go into a career. I went back at the age of 35 or so and there were a lot of other non-traditional (older) students.
I'm actually planning on going back for my graduate degree in the next 2 years. I have some health problems at the moment that I want under better control before I get into school (which takes a lot of energy and self-motivation at the graduate level). I'll most likely be going for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) so that I can teach adults in college or high school most likely. It isn't a real productive career choice under the current administration. Trump has made the USA a very unfriendly place for foreigners, so that's lovely. And I won't be living in other countries to teach due to my health problems. But I might get to travel and see something of the world. That would be nice. I could make a real difference to some people in the world, and that is a decent second best to having children.
I'm currently disenfranchised with my career choices and options. I'm usually a very positive person. If I could go back and do it over knowing what I know now.... I would do everything differently. Everything. But I made the best choices I could at each point I had to make choices. Wait till I have a permanent job and benefits. Then my tune will be much more positive.