Jehovah’s most secret witness breaks leg before Christmas (pun intended)
What pun?
jehovah’s most secret witness breaks leg before christmas (pun intended).. get well soon donald.
your melbourne, australia, exjw fans wish you a speedy recovery.
you’re welcome to perform during our exjw protest in november 2019 while the jws have their international convention at marvel stadium, melbourne..
Jehovah’s most secret witness breaks leg before Christmas (pun intended)
What pun?
what are some flaws of the bible that convince you that its not god's word.
for example what about prophecies like babylon or prophecies about jesus birth and life that jw use to make you believe bible is god originated?
i'd appreciate your comments.
So... you want me to believe in a work of fiction based on a mythical being? <blink> <blink>
That was my first flaw and I thought it when I was 5 years old. As I grew up, I kept asking how anyone knew that the bible was real and I was told to pray about it.
So... you want me to talk myself into believing that a fictional book written by a mythical being is real? <blink> <blink>
No. That doesn't work for me.
quite a few years ago there was a poster here that left the religion because he knew it was simply not true.
however, he returned to jws because he wanted to be with his family.
i don’t know how he is doing but gumby was his name.
I never met JWs that cared if people played Chess, and I knew a number of people who did play chess. They even played little magnetized boards on the way to conventions. So... your experience is way different than mine and not JW typical.
I've known two people who left and went back. One was a single sister. She left and came back pregnant. I think she probably came back so that she could have the support of her family. She went all in when she went back and became a true believer... or acted like one at least. She mooched off of Welfare for a few years so that she could go jobless and pioneer. Then she married a man from Trinidad (the Island) who she met through letter. I have no idea how that turned out.
I knew another young man who left because he didn't believe but went back because he couldn't handle being shunned by his family. He was really close to his mother and so he went back for her. He later married my sister who is a staunch JW. If he doesn't believe, he certainly doesn't tell her. I saw them at their wedding, which they invited everyone to even though she was shunning a bunch of us. That was the weirdest wedding I've ever been to and I got to sit in the shunned section. That was the last time I saw either of them and that was about 10 years ago. I have no idea how they are, but they are still in.
was just pondering the mindset of the average jw.. would it be appropriate to think that many are sycophants?.
think of the way they act towards those they preach to.
or the way they act towards one another in the congregation - especially towards those taking the lead (elders).
No. I don't think so. I saw plenty of brown-nosers among the elders... those trying to rise through the ranks. But among the average JW? No. I did not see much fawning. We were taught to believe that we were super important and everyone was watching us. Most people I knew were completely and overly arrogant. I'm still arrogant at times. I saw a lot of guilt as well. But I saw almost no fawning over other people.. The only people I saw being revered were the traveling overseers who had entertaining talks or people who came from other countries. I saw a lot more people avoiding each other.
I don't count the love-bombing as sycophantic behavior. I think that is just a natural reaction to having someone new and shiny in your tiny little bubble. People behave the same way in small towns except that they don't immediately show the new people love because they don't know if the new people are trust-worthy. In the JWs it is assumed that all new people are trustworthy and so love and joy is the obvious and acceptable response. Despite how creepy and cult-ish it is, it is also just really natural human behavior.
Maybe something has changed with the advent of the GB getting into the limelight, but I doubt it. Just because people behave well or are 'on their best behavior' when someone important to them is in town, that doesn't mean that they are sycophants.
A sycophant is a type of person, not a specific behavior. This means that if a person is a sycophant than they exhibit that behavior as a part of their personality not just situationally or on certain occasions. Consider the the type of people that Wormwood and Bellatrix Lestrange were in Harry Potter, the kind of person that C3PO is in Star Wars, even the kind of person that Effie Trinket was in Hunger Games. These are, very different, examples of sycophants. Brown-nosing is a current idea of the word, but it doesn't accurately describe what a sycophant is. While I knew some brown-nosers, I can't say that I knew any sycophants. So, no. I don't think that your average JW is a sycophant.
the feds are finally getting involved, so the child abuse issue is moving up from just the state lea level.
it's with the catholic church so far, and only in pennsylvania:.
I am guessing that the involvement at a federal level has something to do with the fact that the Pope is finally defrocking bishops found guilty of sexual misconduct. The era of covering up for these abuses is coming to an end. No matter what anyone might think, the Pope and the Catholic Church still has a LOT of power. And now that they are bending to public opinions and outcries the potential for other governments to actually be able to fight and win is much higher.
Once federal governments get started cracking down on this it is only a matter of time before they go on to other, smaller, fish to fry. It may be a while yet but we are on the right track, finally!
i think that once you get on the internet and you see evidence that shows jehovah’s witnesses do not have the real truth, it can jolt you.
but i don’t think simply going on an internet site typically changes a person’s direction—even if the information is very damning toward the witnesses.
i think it takes time to eventually get out.
I was out of the cult for 20 years when I first looked at a ex-JW site. It was this one by the way. I don't think of this website as an anti-JW site, though it probably is. I think of it as the one place where I can talk to people who understand where I come from. They understand how I grew up and the problems that I still face even though I have been POMO for two decades. I can't find people like that anywhere else in the world. I don't even trust real people I meet who used to be JWs. I can't be around the people I grew up with even the ones who are out now.
So, the anti-JW sites may or may not be effective in terms of helping people see the truth, but they are very effective in terms of giving back something to those who are leaving and on their way out. They are very effective in giving us a community that we can't find anywhere else. They are very effective in helping people recover from serious and life-altering traumas.
hi there folks.. i took a bit of time out from the forum, however i'm back again.. what was it really like for you, your experiences good or bad, etc, in the org?.
if you were granted a listening ear by the gb, what changes would you like to see implemented?.
Awful. We had zero rights. Women are good for cleaning toilets and making babies. We couldn't even be ministerial servants. We got to watch men who were complete assholes have every advantage over us. Our mothers had to cover their heads with 'something' if they presided over a bible study or prayed for the group but we were never taught to carry anything to cover our heads with... so they covered their heads with Kleenexes and shoes and whatever else was handy. How humiliating do you think it is for a woman to have to find something to cover her head with because she is taking the lead when there are only children... but MALE children in the room. It is completely demeaning and despicable.
I was timid and shy but my sisters were outspoken and headstrong, so I was treated the same as them... because women aren't stand alone human beings with their own minds. No we are objects and we can be grouped together as though we have a hive mind. And men.... make despicable objectifying comments about all the women in the congregation and it is completely acceptable. Even now.... on this forum... go find the threads where some jerk male is making fun of weird and funny people and notice how many of those men make fun of women or are fat and awkward and etc. It is disgusting and shows you what they were taught was acceptable ways of treating women.
Look at all the stories where a couple are pulled in for a JC for some romantic something... and notice how often the women get worse treatment than the men. Notice that the JC in and of itself is biased towards women. It is completely different for a man to talk about intimate acts in a room full of men, and a woman having to discuss intimate acts in a room full of men. it is completely inappropriate in any normal social environment but it is acceptable in the JWs.
I saw so much abuse of people in the cult. I personally knew so many women who were beaten and grossly abused by their husbands. My mom, for some unknown reason was always picking these women up after domestic disturbances. And for whatever messed up reason she brought her three daughters with her to help. I've seen broken noses and black eyes. I helped my mom wake women up when they were blacked out on the floor from the beating they took. I've listened to these women cry and weep and be told to pray about it. I've heard the abject misery in their voices when describing how elders tell them it is their fault because they aren't being wifely enough, or they aren't being what God wants them to be. And I've watched those very men get more and more privileges for no good reason. I've watched and heard elders talk about what good men they are because they give such good donations to the cult. I've seen how not one of those men ever stepped out in service or did anything remotely resembling the crap every other woman has to go through just to be considered a good sister by the congregation.
Ive seen the absolute worst behavior inflicted on women by other women in the slightest form of higher positions, being the wives of elders.
I've ween women who could have been amazing broken down until there is nothing left. I've seen women with beautiful minds being treated like breeding cows and nothing more. I've seen young women who could have been strong and independent treated like whores by every male in the congregation.
I have seen the worst of the worst.
If I had the listening ear of the GB... I would put foghorns in their hearing aids and set them to full blast and disable the off switch. I don't want to fix the cult. I want to see it gone from this world. You can't fix that kind of systemic abuse and grossly unjust behavior by having the people in charge listen to the lowly women. What a patronizingly stupid idea. I mean... think about your own question. Does that sound like reality to you? How did you not read that before you hit 'post' and think.... maybe this is a little bit patronizing and I should reword it just a bit. Consider that this is how you were taught to talk to women. Maybe instead of asking us what we would like to be heard on, you should consider how you can change your part in all of this. If the men in the cult changed into open-minded educated people who don't talk down to women and think that we need them to listen to us so that they can change the world... maybe all of our worlds would change for the better.
I don't need the 'listening ear' of any dumb man. And they are not just dumb men, they are ignorant bigots. I have no desire to have any conversation with them. Instead of trying to change them, I changed myself. I got educated and I got out of the cult... and not even in that order. I don't need 'a man' to change my world. I am competent enough to change my own world thank you very much.
@Tallon, welcome back.
Sorry if my post seems a little spiky. I get that way when I think about how awful it was to be a woman in the cult. I really don't mean any insult towards you. At the same time, I stand behind everything that I said. Part of getting educated was getting a minor in ethnic and gender studies. That taught me a lot about the discrimination and biases that I personally saw in the cult. The hardest part of that study was learning that I came out of that cult as an ignorant, self-righteous, abusive, privileged person. I had to do a lot of changing because I really didn't like who I was. And I am constantly looking back and seeing how awful and how inappropriate my own behaviors were. If it helps,. I've called myself out way more than I called you out in this post. And I deserved it too.
last week was awful for the stock exchange..... do you guys think something like the 2008 crisis could happen again?
the prophets of doom are talking about a 10 % correction....
Since the banks got absolutely no consequences for breaking the world the last time... of course it could happen again.
But what I think should be really interesting is to see what happens when the bans in Europe and China go into effect banning petroleum based vehicles. These should all be in effect by 2024 but China is in the lead and since they manufacture so many of the worlds cars... and they can't be manufacturing vehicles they have banned.... and since other countries are also joining the ban... well... it will be really interesting to see what those bans do to the world market in oil prices and how that effects the stock markets too. That's a game changer that most people in the US aren't even aware is looming on the horizon.
many don't know that at least 2 of current governing body are not honest about even their name.
mark sanderson is actually douglas mark sanderson.
stephen lett is mark stephen lett .
What is jehober's middle and last name?
Jehovah only has the one name, like Madonna or Prince, though no one is quite sure how it is pronounced.
what is watchtowers position on the identity of the king of the north?
You mean, John Snow?
... Sorry... I just had to say that because... I love the fact that all I thought about with your headline was a TV show and not anything else remotely connected to the cult! Yeah me!