I hated going out in service. The funny thing is, I am a good salesperson when I believe in what I'm selling. From the age of 5 I had big questions about the doctrine that no one would answer. I always felt like a fake and I always knew that I wasn't going out in service to spread truth but to fulfill my quota so that I could be a good JW... face less consequences.
JoinedPosts by jwundubbed
I know you are lying
by Me.Wonderful indid you ever reach a point in field service , you knew you were lying to people ?
just before the pandemic , i had an encounter with a witness and i didn't let on who i was or my past.
i just very politely listened to his nonsense.
Serious Question: Are You Hearing About Anyone With The Flu Anymore or A Cold?
by minimus infor years everyone was told they had to get the flu shot.
because the flu was dangerous and it could even kill you.
now, hardly anyone talks about the flu or having a cold.
Most people I know have been self-quarantined and taking safety measures... so of course they aren't getting sick nearly as much as they used to. Schools aren't in session like they used to be and hospitals are still social distancing to a heightened extent. So most places that act like flu and cold incubators aren't providing the germs with room to grow, expand, and infect... or act like the contagions that they are.
In the US flu shots are typically given around October. I got my flu shot last year and there is still a while yet before flu season starts for this year.
I Don't think the jw kids today are afraid of the Elders or the Governing Body, like the jw kids of pre-internet era.
by pistolpete insomething i've notice with born in jw kids posting on reddit, is that they have no problem telling off the elders.
this generation of born in jw kids just have no fear of who the elders represent because they know from researching on the internet, that jehovah is a created character by ancient people, and no different or real, than thanos.. these kids know exactly what's going on with the child sexual abuse in the organization.
they also have read and memorized the elder's book online.
This generation of born in JW kids just have no fear of who the elders represent because they know from researching on the internet, that Jehovah is a created character by ancient people, and no different OR REAL, than Thanos.
I don't think I would be afraid of them either. When I was a kid, the governing body was all powerful because you couldn't see them. They were actually kind of like God. And their power trickled down. I can't take any man in the JW religion seriously after having watched any Stephen Lett video. He is cartoonish. He patronized all his followers like they are wittle childwen. If I had seen a single one of his videos when I was in, I would have been done. Over and out. The Wizard of Oz came across as more realistic than Lett does. How can you think GOD has anything to do with any of them with a man like that speaking the way he does and using the facial antics and the exaggerated body language that he uses? Of course there is no fear. When you show the faces and name the names, you take away the fear of the thing itself.
LOL: just have share a convo I just had with my PIMI wife
by goingthruthemotions inso my wife and i just went on a walk, remember right now she has been listening to her convention.
so she starts in with the world is getting bad and will end soon.
what started it was we were talking about the economy and such.
I get that you need to vent. But it is not okay to say those kinds of things about your wife. It's fine if you want to think them, but when you say them on social media you are taking action that is just grossly wrong. It is just as wrong to talk that way about your wife in an open forum on the internet to strangers as it is to shun people because they won't believe what you want them to. You aren't behaving any better than the JWs. Your wife 'not knowing her own doctrine' pales in comparison to how unacceptable your behavior towards her is... when she isn't even able to defend herself. Who cares if she doesn't know the JW beliefs when you are being a bully.
If you can't show your wife any common decency, then the least you could to is show other people on this forum common decency by not speaking that way about a woman that you made vows to. Even a complete stranger deserve to be treated better than you are treating your wife. Yes, you should divorce her. But if you won't because you are cheap, then don't talk about her like that to complete strangers. Have some class, or dignity or just be a decent human being.
It is not okay to speak that way of anyone. And you should expect people to tell you so, especially in a forum for people who no longer have to be bystanders to bullying atrocious behaviors.
Jehovah Witnesses lost in Court. Disfellowshipped Sister Reinstated by Court Order?
by pistolpete inimagine the "faithful" jws who are now having to talk to this person by court order or face the consequences----legally.. exjws are spreading the news and now some exjws who have been disfellowshipped for years are starting to research to see if this is an option in their country.
here are the articles, you need to translate in google.
Were you disfellowshipped after having been raped? Were you DF'd in an action of victim-blaming? I would guess that while being DF'd is always an emotional burden, your situation was very different from the woman in question and your reactions can't be so easily compared.
While a lot of people want to be reinstated, and for valid reasons, I think that a person who is punished for having been victimized has every right to fight against the people who victim-shame and call it religious law/doctrine. I, personally, think the woman did a great thing. And if she doesn't want to be a JW, then it is so much better to walk away on her own terms.
The video didn't explain the court case or the case law, but it sounds like the way in which she was DF'd violates Norwegian law for religious organizations that claim a certain status. It will be interesting to see what people who know more about Norwegian law have to say about it.
Do you think there is an Omnipotent, Omniscient Being that lives forever and ever?
by pistolpete innotice that i left off "benevolent" .
reason being is because i could argue that being all knowing and all powerful is not a prerequisite of being "good".
yet i'm a firm believer that "something didn't come from nothing".
I do. I don't think any omnipotent, omniscient infinite being would care about being present in the lives of us lowly mortal humans. I don't care about being present in the millions of microbes and bacteria in my own body and I think the comparison is a good one. In that vein the being would be neither benevolent nor malevolent but rather completely out of our scope of understanding.
I thought about it after I left. A few different times. My conclusion has been that if there is a god or gods and they are all knowing, then I don't really need to pray for them to know my mind. I don't really see the point. I have heard that mass prayers can actually do some good in the world... so, I'm for that. But I am not comfortable praying around other people, neither out loud nor quietly, so I don't join those myself. I also want to say that maybe prayer isn't for the gods as much as it is for the people doing the praying and if it brings a person comfort and/or security then I am all for it. Praying never hurt anyone... not that I'm aware of.
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
by joey jojo inhttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-19/sa-church-of-the-flying-spaghetti-monster-proposal-rejected/100228038.
so this religion is a hoax?.
it seems just as legit as another religion i can think of..
I think Pasafarianism is more of a satire than a hoax.
What made you walk out on the "Truth"?
by Overrated ini had a legal divorce from my ex wife( law of the land).
i was told not to expect to get remarried because my divorce was not legal to watchtower.. my divorce and situation seem to be a talk of gossip and even a many local needs talks.
i wanted to take some more schooling to get a better job, there was a local needs talk on higher education and it's dangers.
For me, it came down to my priorities. The truth about life and death will never outweigh my priorities in treating people in an ethical manner and in being true to myself. The JWs, as both a social standard and in their doctrine treat people in an unethical manner and they ask most people to be untrue to themselves. I cannot live that way. The offer to live in a future paradise with people who live that way is not a promise I want made to me. It comes as a relief that I will never have to live with the JWs in any way, ever again.
Liberal vs. Conservative mental health study - what do you make of it?
by Brock Talon ina pew study from 2020 (but one i just now came upon myself) reported that the more liberal you are, the more likely you are to have a mental health condition.
the worst suffering group are white females, ages 18-29 where over 56% have admitted to be described by their own doctors as having a mental health condition.
conservative females of the same age group suffer at less than half that number (27%).. while women tend to have more mental health problems than men (don't be mad at me for saying it, this is what the study reports) it is notable that liberal men have a higher percentage of mental health conditions than conservative women in the same age group.
I don't tell my general physician my political leanings. It has never come up. I've never told any counselors or therapists my political leanings either. That also did not come up and it wasn't one of those questions doctors of any kind ask as part of the paperwork.
Sounds hinky to me.