My mother experienced having an epiphany and seeing a light over 45 years ago. Then she started partaking. I have a cousin who saw light in her middle age and began partaking. It's a calling. Many people in many religions have callings. Many people in the world have callings regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs. A calling cannot be questioned by other people. People will question. They will have opinions they feel they have to tell you. But a calling isn't like a desire. It is more like a need. It is a certainty that you have been called to a specific type of service. So, you partake. You do not need to tell anyone ahead of time. You do not need to ask anyone's permission. And when people question your motives, as they will do, you do not need to reassure them. Your calling is your calling. It does not require anyone else's understanding, nor permission to be your calling.
Having said this, a 'calling' is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. Partaking of the bread and the wine on Memorial is a serious ritual and tradition among the Jehovah's Witnesses and regardless of my own personal feelings about the JWs, I think that any tradition or ritual that has great value to any group of people should be treated with respect. While I am willing to admit that I would be willing to partake in order to make a statement of defiance against the Watchtower or against, I would not advocate partaking on a whim, as a prank, nor just to try it out. Have some respect for the people that hold this tradition/ritual in high regard.
Having known someone who was 'anointed' all my life, I can honestly say that I wouldn't wish that status on my worst enemy. It isn't a good status among the JWs. No one with that calling is taken seriously. Women with that calling are treated even more poorly than women without that calling. Even the few elders that I knew with that status were treated like they were loony-toons. No one took them seriously. If you have to have a calling, I sincerely hope that you have a calling to leave the JWs, or to go help people who will thank you for the help you offer. Be a firefighter or a teacher. I mean, if you have to have a calling... try for one of those. If you have to have a calling where you are a slave to humanity... consider being a trashman or a janitor. You will get more respect in those fields than as an anointed member of the Jehovah's Witnesses.