Am I being punished by Jehovah, or is the devil out to get me
So.... either God is hurting you or Satan is hurting you? Does that really make sense to you? Shouldn't one of those particular two be trying to help you and the other is trying to harm you? Isn't that how it is supposed to work? The fact that you see both deities as out to get you... should tell you something about your logic. It isn't working quite right. It should also tell you about your state of mind in regards to your religious authority. You aren't in a position where you trust in a higher power. If you take a moment to digest your own words, you do know what to think.
Your mom is sick and she needs medical help that she might not get. You are faced with possibly losing your mother. It sucks and it hurts and there isn't any good reason for it. It is much easier to blame a non-existent body that can't talk back and tell you that you are wrong. It is much easier to blame a deity than to face what must be an incredibly painful moment in your life.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Life is hard enough. Losing the ones we love is hard enough. Instead of looking for someone to blame... maybe have a good long cry. Accept that you might experience a loss. It will be much easier to face if you have prepared for it. While blaming an absent deity is easier, it won't make what you have to go through any easier. You are in for hard times. And the hard reality is that sometimes you can't protect yourself from that. You just have to face it. Breath. Walk forward. Get out of bed. Cry. Talk. Keep moving and keep living until it gets easier to deal with. It will get easier to deal with.