this is the same thing as sending soldiers into unnecessary danger because a plan of attack was misguided/misinformed. It's never about being right........ it's worse then that.....because it's always about marching in step.....obeying orders.
I disagree. The fundamental difference being that soldiers are told that their job is to follow orders and they know that when they sign up. There is enough information out there for anyone going into the military to know that they might end up going into battle when their commander is wrong to any extent. They know that when they sign up... or they should. Example, "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Tennyson (1854) explained beautifully in 'The Blind Side'.
This is what 'gaslighting' is. You have to believe whatever they tell you at the moment they are telling you it. Even if it doesn't make sense. Even if they said something different one second before. Even if they just contradicted themselves. They are always right and when they make the argument that you are wrong... in this way.. it is gaslighting. It isn't straightforward. It isn't honest. And no one consented to having the GB be correct even when they are wrong when they signed up.
I should amend that last sentence. No one born into the cult, and people from my parents and my generation didn't consent to the GB being right even when they are wrong. It is entirely possible that people are currently consenting to that before they join up. I remember hearing that specific rhetoric in my teens. My mom believes she is annointed and has since she joined up... she would argue the ridiculousness of what the GB wanted us to believe and then would tell us to believe it anyway!