If you like tabletop RPGs, check out Airship Pirates.
If you like comics, check out Girl Genius.
And yes. I like steampunk.
Also... check out what could be considered a steampunk instrument?
i love people's being creative with this genre.
i stumbled on this video which is a lot of fun.
past the end credits is out takes and how it was made.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=211lnk5vnjm.
If you like tabletop RPGs, check out Airship Pirates.
If you like comics, check out Girl Genius.
And yes. I like steampunk.
Also... check out what could be considered a steampunk instrument?
i have thought long and hard about this, you know in those midnight hours.. you will probably string me alive in what i say, but here you go-.
i feel that the jw's do have the truth.
i do agree with the doctrines and biblical exgenesis they propound.i do feel that they have the 'truth' i do understand they are imperfect, and i think they have had to 'refine' their teachings as time has gone on-and change accordingly- i see nothing wrong with this.
If bringing reproach on Jehovah's name is such a bad thing... then why have the Jehovah's Witnesses made his name a joke?
For the amount of 'witnessing' they do, no one knows what 'Jehovah' means. Think about all the jokes about Jehovah's Witnesses. Most of them are inaccurate at best, but the mainstream comprehension is that Jehovah's Witnesses are a joke. They are those people who bother you by knocking on your door and making you listen to... whatever they make you listen to. They are weird. And then, people hear about the abuse.
I don't think the powers that be care about 'bringing reproach on Jehovah's name'. I think they just use that as a tool to control their members.
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
JW land women wear the pants ,they just let men think they do - smiddy3
I had to think about this for a while before replying. The reason is that I did see a lot of women who wore the pants in their own families. A few of these women actually did have some amount of power, and they were usually Elders' wives. Most of the women I knew who had some amount of lead in their personal lives were either abusive themselves or said nothing when people under them were abused (usually by their own husbands). Having gotten out of the cult and having learned a whole lot more about cycles of abuse and what abuse does and does not look like, I don't think that I can say that very many of those women actually wore the pants in their families. I think most of them appeared to take the lead while living very abused lives.
I think that most of what I think or have thought I understood about JW interpersonal relationships is or was skewed and wasn't at all what I had thought it was at the time.
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
Yeah, I've seen diapers used as head coverings too. No, never the dirty ones. Surely there is a kleenex (new or used) if there is a diaper bag.
i know your going to be thinking what???.
but it's true, when i was a young boy i had to go to the 5 weekly meetings.
also with my mum we would be at the doors and actually have debates.
I think it must be harder to want to leave when the substance is reduced. It was pretty easy to hate a religion that forced me to do things I didn't like and took up so much of my time. They never made it easy to fake my way through a meeting or ministry work like they have now. I mean, why not stay in it if you don't care and if it is fairly easy to get through. It looks a lot more like the churches my worldly family attends. Most of them don't care about going to church and aren't really believers. They just go for the people who do care and why not, it is only one day out of the week and the services are easy to daydream through.
I'm glad it was so much worse when I was in it. That only helped me in deciding to leave.
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
I never saw an elder's wife wear a head covering. My family was never part of those inner circles. So, I only ever saw the beaten down woman wearing a head covering, using a tea towel, a magazine, a shoe, a spoon, or whatever random thing was handy. There probably were women who did that so that people would see how perverse it is. But consider the context. Women didn't do that when a man was present because the man could take the lead. They did it in front of each other and in front of children or teenagers. They didn't do it in front of anyone with any real power.
And to those of you who read that and laugh... that is my point. What exactly is so funny about that? I mean, take a moment to think about how that must feel to be that person looking so very ridiculous and doing so because they think that is how they are honoring God. Imagine how that poor woman with the slipper on her head must have felt to actually put that on her head in front of her husband... in front of her children. I really do not see what is funny about that. Not at all.
as a witness i always found a way to not have to embarrass myself by sitting down for the national anthem.. i’m curious.
how many of you stood up for the patriotic song?.
I only stood during the National anthem if I felt like it. I never stood during the pledge of allegiance. I have lung disease so I have a reason not to stand sometimes. But now that I am out I will stand for the National Anthem. But I don't sing it and I will never say the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, more than ever do I believe that doing so is wrong. When I was in, it was for my religion. Now, it is because anything that represents our country can be used in really wrong ways. So, I don't use representations of our country as stand-ins for my patriotism.
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
@Butyoucanneverleave, I think the reasoning may be that when a sister answers or gives a talk (as part of the theocratic ministry school) they are learning rather than teaching. But your point is sound.
Why then, don't the sisters have to cover their heads when preaching or having a bible study? And why, for the love of God, if a woman must cover her head... why aren't women taught to carry head coverings that give them just a tiny amount of dignity. Why can't a woman have any dignity at all?
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
@St.George of England & @neat blue dog,
Well, that is the policy to be sure. But you know people go beyond the policy all the time. You know how people will talk about what a person should do in a hypothetical manner, urge people to go the step farther, but then tell them it is up to their own conscience? The women I knew were compelled by the men around them to take it further. The congregation where I saw this happen the most often was a very spiteful congregation. Elder's wives were worse than their husbands and there was always someone watching. Worse if you were leading a group of children, you never knew what innocent comment from a child would come back to bit you in the arse.
I remember as a child believing that as a girl I was the absolutely lowest of human creation.
When I was in it, I never realized consciously how badly women were treated. I never wanted anything more than to be a mother and a wife. But get out into the real world and I can't get a great job. Even having been to college, I lack a lot of skills that help a person get a decent job (like the interview/negotiation) but more importantly I lack a very certain confidence in myself as a capable person. In every other way I have great self-confidence. And in specifics I know that I am a capable person with a lot to offer the working world. But I can't seem to get a job above a certain level even though I have the training for it. And when I really think about it a lot of ways in which we were treated as girls and women in the cult start to come up. I don't think I realized how much it all effected me.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?