That is why they don't celebrate Thanksgiving."- yeah right. I think most jw's do in fact do Thanksgiving even if they sit around a table with a turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing & cranberry sauce telling each other that it is not Thanksgiving, it is. Doesn't matter if they it do it on Fri, Sat or Sun instead of Thurs to the rest of the sane world they ARE celebrating Thanksgiving. They just had to get everybody together on a different day like the rest of us do at times.
I can't speak for witnesses today but when I was in, No they didn't. We went to movies. My friends usually went to concerts or did things they didn't normally have time for on a Thursday. Most witnesses that I knew would work that day and get the extra holiday pay. I never knew any JWs who ate turkey, or any of the other Thanksgiving dinner dishes, at any point during Thanksgiving weekend.