In 2016, the Pew Research Institute produced demographic data, showing that Jehovah’s Witnesses make up less than one percent of the U.S. population. In California, two-thirds of them are women. The religious organization has a low retention rate relative to other U.S. religious groups, according to Pew. Sixty-six percent of adults raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses no longer identify with the group.
I wish I had known these stats when I was in. Way different than the picture they present.
Nobody should loose all their family and friends because they were young and stupid and had too much to drink.
No they shouldn't. No one should lose their family and friends because a man raped them while they were drunk. It isn't sex if either of them are drunk because drunk people can't consent. From what she said it wasn't his first time doing that at all (he cried about having a problem when it happened the first time) and he continued to do it during their marriage.
That whole situation just sucks.