Fred Franztone,
Don't use this to push your own puritanical agenda. Saying that all drunk sex is rape is a ridiculous assertion. I'd wager that for most couples, drunken sex will have accounted for many of their happiest times together.
In the United States drunk sex is actually considered rape legally. If both people are drunk they can both be legally charged with rape. I was stating a fact of law, not my personal opinion. And even if the people involved are a couple or married it is still considered rape, by law. What exactly do you think my 'agenda' is?
But if your mind is altered then you aren't capable of making informed consensual choices and so I happen to agree with this particular law. In other countries... you would have to look it up top see if drunk sex is legally considered rape.
If one person has sex with another person while they are unconscious, regardless of if the person is drunk, asleep, in a coma, or drugged... then the person initiating sex is committing rape, legally speaking.
Legally, the lines aren't very grey. If a person is inebriated then they cannot legally consent to sex. So, to all of you who responded... legally there isn't a big difference in what counts as non-consensual sex when alcohol or other mind altering substances are involved. There may be a big difference in how those cases are prosecuted or in what sentence one gets from such a charge.