I wouldn't mind a special chair in the back. Can I order a recliner?
JoinedPosts by jwundubbed
Funny News From My Old Congragation - Elder Fight!
by pale.emperor ini haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
Have you ever "partaken" at the memorial
by NikL init's that time of year again.. trying to decide if i should or shouldn't.
I don't know. Their history has been that they don't pay attention to stuff like that. I went to a different convention than my own and got baptized without permission. No said a word. They assumed that people sitting in the baptismal section were supposed to be there. And when I told my elders, they announced it from the platform making it all kosher.
I would guess that if we looked and sounded like JWs, if we had our story straight and just behaved like we were doing what we needed to be doing... then I tend to think they wouldn't catch on and would count the extra numbers. Well, they might count the men anyway, if they weren't obviously crazy.
Have you ever "partaken" at the memorial
by NikL init's that time of year again.. trying to decide if i should or shouldn't.
For a long time I have wanted to get a group of like 20 people together, dress up like JWs, and go partake one year. Just really throw their numbers off some year. We could say we were from some out of town congregations and were traveling during the memorial. -
Another School Shooting: The Gun Violence/Mental Illness Debate Continues
by jp1692 inin the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
I don't think that everyone with a mental illness of any kind should be prevented from owning a gun.-jwundubbed-
ummmm strange really so then if someone who is acknowledged to occasionally develop serious psychotic or schizophrenic delusions which occasionally get violent should still be able to own their own guns ??? -Finkelstein-You misunderstood my meaning. I think that people with specific types of mental illnesses and who are violent or a danger to society should be prevented from owning or using guns, to the extent that is possible. I do not think that everyone with any type of mental illness should be prevented from owning guns. That would mean that someone who had depression once because of medication they were on for medical reasons could never own a gun, ever. That would mean that people taking medication for insomnia and migraines might not be able to own guns either since most of those medications are also anti-depressants and can actually cause mild depression or other mild mental illness symptoms.
Most people with mental illnesses are not dangerous and there is no reason to keep them from owning guns. I also don't think that it should be just about specific mental illnesses unless it is proven that every person with that specific type of mental illness is a danger to society if they own and use guns. That isn't typically how mental illnesses work. My mother is a sociopath and yet she isn't motivated to kill because that wouldn't get her what she wants. Most people assume that every sociopath is a killer. That isn't true. Most books, movies, TV, and documentaries discuss criminal sociopaths and never make any mention of the functioning sociopaths in the world that aren't criminals. I'm not qualified to say if non-criminal sociopaths should own guns. I do have enough knowledge to say that not every sociopath is the same, and there are many sociopaths who are neither serial killers nor any other sort of criminal. Most people make a lot of really wrong assumptions about what mental illness is and what it looks like. I don't think those people should get to decide who gets to carry and use guns and who shouldn't. I'm fine if they want to put in their opinion but I would really rather not have decisions about guns in the hands of people making sweeping biased judgments out of gross ignorance.
Are Jehovahs Witnesses headed towards becoming one of the most controversial and talked about religions on YouTube
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the numerous videos on youtube about all the scandals and controversies of the watchtower bible and tract society.
are they headed to becoming one of the most infamous religious groups in the world for all the wrong reasons?.
Most folks I meet say, "What's a Jehovah?". Most people who know anything just know they are the annoying people who bother them by knocking on their doors on Saturdays... early in the morning. Basically most people who know anything about JWs simply know them as an irritant. They don't care about them at all.
Solicitors Visit Update
by pale.emperor inin case you're not aware of my last two threads:.
the situation that arose in that my mother has been having secret access to my daughter and refusing to tell me how she is: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5012900121935872/am-overreacting-here.
the build up to my solicitors visit: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6284953638666240/solicitors-appontment-tomorrow-advice-appreciated.
That's great! I'm glad it went so well for you.
But do yourself a favor and continue to document everything. In fact, document every time you give your other family permission to visit with your daughter and how it goes. Document any time your agreements with your wife are broken and any time you find out that anyone is having contact with your daughter without your permission.
Are Jehovahs Witnesses headed towards becoming one of the most controversial and talked about religions on YouTube
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the numerous videos on youtube about all the scandals and controversies of the watchtower bible and tract society.
are they headed to becoming one of the most infamous religious groups in the world for all the wrong reasons?.
Can you cite one video out of all those that has gone viral and has over 100 million views? The most viewed content has over a billion views. I've never seen any JW content videos with anything even close to a million views.
As far as I can tell the ex-JW videos are not trending and never have been. The anti-LGBT kids videos got some minimal attention. But so far, I haven't seen any JW videos get any real attention. -
Solicitors Appontment Tomorrow - Advice Appreciated
by pale.emperor infollowing up on this thread: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5012900121935872/am-overreacting-here?page=3#!#5179106934128640.
im seeing my solicitor tomorrow to see about getting an order in place making sure any contact my daughter has with my jw family goes through me and not my ex-wife.. explained the situation briefly to the lawyer, she was asking more and more about why should i be concerned if a jw had access to my child.. i mentioned the blood issue, the shunning, the inappropriate pictures of armageddon in books/mags etc.
do you think i should bring in watchtower literature to show them what i mean?
Consider showing the new 'kids videos' that teach children to behave with hate towards homosexuals and asks kids to give them their ice cream money. I mean, those videos alone have some pretty terrifying messages. When some of them went viral there were some very concerned commentary. You could look that up. One of those told kids that people would die if they didn't behave the JW way. That alone is pretty damning and explains how JWs see and treat children.
If you know anyone with experience in it, you could get some testimony from people who have divorced and have children and where the children were encouraged to see their non-JW parent as evil. Some short, concise testimonials that give facts and don't go against the JW doctrine would be good.
Courts often find in the favor of the mother. That just is the way it is. If you can prove that the behavior of mother and others would be damaging to your child then you might have a case. If you try to talk about dissuading your child from the influence of the religion's doctrine you will have a problem. We know it is a cult but it isn't recognized as a cult in most of the world. Don't fight religions and rights to religious beliefs. Fight dangerous behaviors that harm your children, and their relationship with you.
After reading your other post about the communication problem. I think that should be your number one point to your solicitor. You have shared custody of your daughter. That your wife is willing to leave your child in the care of people who refuse to speak to you or have any communication with you would be a sign of abuse and would be a concern for any adult. She doesn't have the right to allow other people to breach her contract with you. I think you should leave the religion out of it completely, unless specifically asked. Talk about the behavior that concerns you. Don't talk about it as being disrespectful to you, as people have the right to be disrespectful. Talk about it in terms of safety and parental rights. Also talk about it in terms of what was agreed upon not being done... that is a breach of contract even if the contract was only verbal. Write down and document each and every instance. This will help you with your lawyer and if it goes to court. When you document it, keep it to the facts. Keep a note of or copy of any documentation that you had between yourself and your ex-wife as to what you agreed would be the approved behaviors.
Take all religion out of it. Make it about the contract, about your rights, and about behavior that is dangerous or troubling, and in breach of any contract you have made (verbal or written or whatever).
Another School Shooting: The Gun Violence/Mental Illness Debate Continues
by jp1692 inin the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
From 1992 to 1997 I lived next door to a crazy lady. Her name was Dee. When we first moved there my brother was 5 years old. That first year Dee accused him of breaking into her home to put cobwebs in the corners of her house and chased my brother with a lawn mower. She regularly had altercations with the German lady at the end of the block. The German lady was old and had some small language difficulties, but she was tough and didn't take shit from Dee. Dee physically attacked her several times. Dee made threats against everyone in our little culdesac. The police were called to our small neighborhood almost every day and sometimes 2-3 times a day. They couldn't do anything. Their hands were tied. Dee understood the legal system. She was taken away once when the altercation with the German woman was seen by someone else. The other times she attacked the woman the police couldn't do anything because both women had marks and no one was there to witness who attacked first. These days they would probably both be taken in and charged with assault. But the police new that Dee initiated the attacks. And the police didn't have a lot of options. Dee owned guns. Even when she was dangerous she never used her guns.
In 1991, before we moved to that neighborhood, my mother had her first psychotic break. She was finally diagnosed with the bipolar disease that had plagued her all of my life. She was also diagnosed as psychotic schizophrenic. We were able to get her to go to the mental hospital herself that time. Once she checked herself in they were allowed to hold her against her will for only two weeks. That was because she entered the hospital voluntarily. If she had been taken there by police they could have held her for longer. But to be taken by police she had to be obviously a danger to herself and others. She was hallucinating. She was hearing God through Enya. She was drinking gallons of water a day. She actually got water poisoning from drinking too much water. She was also drinking an ungodly amount of alcohol. We later found dozens of empty bottles she had hid around the house. She was dangerous. But she hadn't done anything to show that she was dangerous. Law enforcement cant take any legal action until the person does something to warrant the legal action. Many years later I had to ask for adult wellness checks on her whenever she would go off her meds, which was often. Yet the police were only able to take her to a hospital once out of those many times because that time she became belligerent (hostile and aggressive) and did something which warranted being detained. They took her to the regular hospital for a mental health check and they determined she should be committed into the mental health facility.
The drugs don't cure her. They moderate her behaviors and give her inhibitions she doesn't have without them. They take away the voices in her head and the hallucinations. But... the regular person would assume she was 'bat shit crazy' if they heard her talk even when she is on her medication. The medication doesn't stop her from making threats or wanting to harm people. The medication makes her less likely to go through with her desires to hurt people. My mother doesn't own any guns but I know that she knows how to use a rifle with a scope on it. My mother might go off her meds one day and track me down and might even try to kill me. She won't do it with a gun. That wouldn't be painful enough. She might use a knife. And there isn't a single thing that anyone can do about that potential threat.
People who have never experienced the law and mental illness systems working together have no idea how broken they are. Police and law enforcement are limited in what they can legally do.The point of every mental health hospital is to rehabilitate and to release. There are no prison hospitals in the US anymore. For many people with mental health issues this is good. But for people who have psychotic breaks and other chemical imbalances in the brain it means that they are still insane and walking among us. Many people who are insane never kill. But for those who want to kill or harm the only thing standing between us and their choice to act on their desires is them taking their meds. If they are like my mother, they don't believe they need the meds. She usually reduces her medications until she just stops taking them. She once told someone she had schizophrenia but was in remission. You can't be in remission from a chemical imbalance in the brain. You also can't be rehabilitated from it. Oh... also... sometimes the meds just stop working. My mother was on lythium to start with. But that stopped working. They had to change it. Regular people have NO IDEA. The mental health system is so much worse than you ever thought it was. But, to be fair, most mentally ill people don't go out and comitt murder or go on a killing rampage. You hear about those in the media, but they are a very small percentage of the mentally ill.
The issue is far more complicated than most people realize. And most people have no experience with mental derangement and violence. Someone in a psychotic break is often actually much physically stronger than normal. When my mother was being held against her will that first time she broke through the restraints (like extra wide and extra strong seat belt restraints) and it took 3-4 large men to restrain her. They showed us the restraint that she broke through. There was a case in England where adult twin women had potentially psychotic breaks at the same time. They ran into traffic and were both hit by cars. One woman broke both her legs and was still conscious and screaming and spitting at officers trying to help her. The other twin had minimal injuries but hit her head. She remained conscious and started attacking an officer. It took multiple officers and bystanders to restrain her. So... one officer against one deranged person is not a fair fight. The odds are in favor of the deranged person.
What happens after a mass school murder is that people get scared. Rightfully so. When people are scared they lash out. It's practically a mob mentality. Ms. Gonzalez and all those kids who were there are understandably angry, scared, hurt, and traumatized. They should not be asked to weigh in on gun control and mental health at this stage. They are also children. They see the world through the eyes of children and yet have a lot of misinformation right at their fingertips. They have access to point fingers anywhere they want and the political agendas are giving them just that place. Politicians always jump to push their agendas in these situations. The media jumps to cover and instigate arguments on whatever brings them the highest ratings. And regular adults jump to weigh in on what went wrong. This all could have been averted if just this one thing were different.
No. No one thing will stop this from happening.
In China a man went into a kindergarten and killed almost all the children with a knife. He then killed himself. And while that is bad enough... China then had a spate of at least 20 copycat instances. People thought it was contagious because it just kept happening over and over again in rapid succession.
The US experiences mass murder school violence more than any other country in the world, but it does happen occasionally in other places. The example in China was much more similar to what happens in the US except that the occurances happened in a shorter time frame than the school shootings happen in the US. I think we need to study not the weapons used but type of crime being committed. I think it is a more specific type of crime than people give it credit for. And I think that the type of crime it is includes every instance, not just one instance alone.
If you want to stop mass murder like this there are a lot of things that have to change. You have to look at more than just the mental state of the person committing the crime and they type of weapon used. Consider the fact that in the instances in China the perpetrators were all adults but in the US, the mass murder crimes are all committed by children/young adults.
Consider also this... There is a gun culture in the US. There are entire communities (mostly in rural and midwest or southern areas) where children grow up with guns in their homes used for hunting. Those children grow up being educated about guns, gun safety, and why you use guns. The last time I looked it up, only one shooter had been raised like this. Some shooters have been hunting but they weren't part of the culture that takes a responsible stance on guns and they weren't discouraged from glorifying guns the way children who grow up in responsible gun use mentality are. Do they kill people with guns... yes, some of them do. Or knives, or axes, or whatever the hell is available to them. But they don't go hunting their peers at school. It seems like that is something we should look at.
We need to implement more than just drills of how to escape an incident in our schools. These aren't dangers like fire or tornadoes. They aren't threats like nuclear bombs. We should stop pretending that ducking and covering is the best we can do for our children's safety. We need to stop arguing about things that won't solve the problem and get working on solutions that will mitigate the problem.
I am not for taking guns away from people, unless specific people are danger to society. I don't think that everyone with a mental illness of any kind should be prevented from owning a gun. I think that people with mental illnesses who are a danger to society should be locked up, and I think that the mental health system should stop pretending they can cure or rehabilitate crazy. But I also don't think that gun control or mental health will stop mass murders in schools.
Today's text caused a fight between myself and my "Still In" wife.
by NikL inshe insisted on reading it to me and i just couldn't keep my freaking mouth shut.. see if you can tell why.... sunday, february 18.
they would go where the spirit inclined them to go.—ezek.
jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food.
For example, the prophet Ezekiel received a vision in which the heavenly part of God’s organization is represented by a celestial chariot.
Why would you need a chariot in heaven? How is that 'heavenly' at all? A celestial chariot? You know a lot of people think that is referencing an alien spaceship. I'm not saying they are right but that makes a lot more sense than the idea that you need a chariot in heaven to bring about destruction on earth. If God is all powerful what would he need with a human made vehicle?
That doesn't make any sense at all. Even if you think of it like a representation... it still doesn't make sense. You can't destroy much in a chariot. Look at Ben Hur... those chariots are not very wieldy. They fall over easily and about the most you can do is run a person over one at a time. If you have hundreds of chariots you still can't do a lot of damage. A man with a sling shot or a bow and arrow would be a better representation of destruction wouldn't it? What about the trumpets that brought down a wall. Why wasn't that the representation of destruction?
There is not a single way that their justification and example make any sense at all.
Hey man, we'll guide you. We'll give you visions! Doesn't that sound like people on drugs?
Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives.
Christ needs a new playbook then because he isn't doing a very good job. Look at how many people fudge their service numbers. That isn't 'heeding directives'. That is faking directives. And how many JWs understand the bible? Most don't even read it chronologically. Most read it out of context and still don't understand what they are reading. How many times do they use the same passage to mean a bunch of different things?
Seriously, Christ was an amazing salesman when he was alive. Did he lose something when he died for us? He should be way better at teaching and delegating than what we see of him today with the JWs.