I think you should be very careful in following these specific wishes. What you are doing is normalizing the behavior and making it into a habit. That is exactly how habits are formed. You do the same thing every day, over and over, until it becomes natural and normal. This is one subtle way that the cult works on people. People don't think they are giving up anything by going to the meetings and not listening. But they are making that behavior normal. And it isn't possible to never listen at all. Things seep in. You get to know people and things start to matter. And then when you don't go one day, you feel... off. Because you disturbed your new normal.
This is muscle memory. Your brain is a muscle and you are creating a new pattern in it. You should be very careful about creating new patterns that you don't want to create.
Also, respecting your mother does not mean doing what she tells you to do. You can respect your mother and still create appropriate boundaries. You can respect her wishes by listening to them and accepting them as her wishes. But in order to respect her wishes, you don't have to fulfill them. That is not how respect, healthy respect, works.