and they would not shun, how many would jump ship?
If they stopped shunning, how many that have left would return?
I wouldn't.
And to be honest, I wouldn't suddenly start talking to the people who shunned me. There is something wrong with their moral compass. I have never shunned anyone in my life. I have set and kept boundaries. But I have never cut anyone off and treated them like they were dead because they didn't comply with my opinions or beliefs. I have never cut anyone off and treated them like they were dead because of any rumored difference in beliefs. People who do that aren't healthy people. In fact, they are so unhealthy that they infect other people with their mental disease. They harm people all by themselves and just having their doctrine altered won't change how unhealthy, harmful, and abusive they are. They have to put in the time and the effort to make those changes themselves, just like all of us have had or do have to do. Then, they also need to make amends and apologize for their actions. They have to hold themselves accountable for their choices and their actions. I don't know about anyone else, but in my experience the people who shun aren't people who hold themselves accountable for their choice in that matter.