1) I don't want angry, unruly mobs going around toppling what they protest are statues of oppressive historical figures. That's not democracy.
Democracy - a system of government by the whole population
That is exactly democracy. That is the people speaking up. It isn't pretty and orderly, but it is a form of democracy. Democracy isn't always calm, peaceful, and under control. That is especially true when a democracy is in it's infancy as it would be if we had that government here (US). We don't. We live in a Republic. As do some of the other nations facing this issue. I'm not familiar with any nation that is actually a democracy. We may be somewhat democratic.. but democracy (in the US at least) has been ignored for far too long. The people are speaking and this is what it looks like.
2) Christopher Columbus, Churchill and other great historical individuals of importance are neither Nazi nor equivalent to Dr. Mengele.
Christopher Columbus isn't a part of American history. He didn't find America, he didn't even step foot on America. He did enslave indigenous people and hang some of them without trial. I don't think we need statues of him in the US. He was a great explorer, but he was no paragon of manhood or even of humankind. He wasn't well liked in his own time and for good reason. Every person who has a statue is complex and flawed, but I see no reason to keep up a statue of a racist. He should be fine just gracing our history books. He wasn't a great man even though he takes credit for a lot a great things that he never did.
Racism is equivalent to Nazis. The Nazis are racist in their definition. They are the epitome of racism. It isn't just that they committed egregious genocide against a race of people. They put themselves up as the only worth race. It is justified to compare any racist person who acted on their racism as being on par with the Nazis. Columbus enslaved people instead of killing them. Oh, no he did kill people for committing crimes but didn't give them a trial (fair or otherwise) of any kind. Not everyone is up to the standards of Hitler and Mengele, but racist people and people with a platform that speak out to advocate their racist beliefs certainly would have fit in the ranks of the Nazis. I don't mind saying that Trump and Hitler have a lot in common. I mean, ICE camps aren't exactly the same as the concentration camps but they aren't far from it either. Hitler didn't have special camps just for the children.... but Trump does. And yet, a lot of people in the US believe that Trump is a great man. Should he have a statue too?
I don't personally believe that Churchill needs to have a statue. I'm not from his home country so it isn't really my place to say if his statue should go or stay. But he wasn't a great man. He was the man in office when very bad things happened and he did right for his country. He fought the Nazis but not because they were racist. He fought them because they were trying to take over the world. Most people didn't even know the Nazis were racist or how racist they were until the war ended. That is another vote for making parallels between the Nazis and other racists. Churchill was racist but much like Trump he swayed back and forth on issues according to what would further his career. He was certainly a paragon of white male privilege. As a woman, I'm not keen on glorifying that in any country anymore. But I see that as being a problem for a long time to come. In the US the people in power still hold capitalism as our highest standard. So, privileged white men will continue to have statues... as long as they weren't openly racist.
Does the Term "Historical" Make it Right or Wrong?
You know this question can be asked two different ways.
Does 'Historical' make it right to have a statue up of someone who is racist? No. But history is full of fallacies. Most of what we learn in school is simplified into making complex and flawed white privileged men, or just privileged men into paragons of humanity. George Washington and his peers weren't all good. Many of them were racist and owned slaves. Being 'Historical' isn't enough to keep a statue up. But what if a person did something so profound and meaningful that it overshadows their flaws. Then is that a good enough reason for them to have a statue? It might be.
Does 'Historical' make it wrong to take a statue down? No. History has a way of aligning itself with the times. History is written by the victors but it can't stand up against an angry populace. Books and statues have always been at the beck and call of what is popular. That is the very nature of how humanity treats history. 'Being historical' won't save a statue from being brought down and it shouldn't. These statues shouldn't stay up just because bringing them down makes people feel uncomfortable. We, ex-JWs, of all people should understand the necessity of confronting our fears and our uncomfortable feelings. There is cognitive dissonance at work here. We don't want to be racist but we feel it is okay to raise the confederat flag or have it held by a statue of a racist man who did something great. Get real. Now's the time.
Face your cognitive disonance and recognize that your discomfort is a red flag. Your brain is telling you to look deeper.