I get that you need to vent. But it is not okay to say those kinds of things about your wife. It's fine if you want to think them, but when you say them on social media you are taking action that is just grossly wrong. It is just as wrong to talk that way about your wife in an open forum on the internet to strangers as it is to shun people because they won't believe what you want them to. You aren't behaving any better than the JWs. Your wife 'not knowing her own doctrine' pales in comparison to how unacceptable your behavior towards her is... when she isn't even able to defend herself. Who cares if she doesn't know the JW beliefs when you are being a bully.
If you can't show your wife any common decency, then the least you could to is show other people on this forum common decency by not speaking that way about a woman that you made vows to. Even a complete stranger deserve to be treated better than you are treating your wife. Yes, you should divorce her. But if you won't because you are cheap, then don't talk about her like that to complete strangers. Have some class, or dignity or just be a decent human being.
It is not okay to speak that way of anyone. And you should expect people to tell you so, especially in a forum for people who no longer have to be bystanders to bullying atrocious behaviors.