This generation of born in JW kids just have no fear of who the elders represent because they know from researching on the internet, that Jehovah is a created character by ancient people, and no different OR REAL, than Thanos.
I don't think I would be afraid of them either. When I was a kid, the governing body was all powerful because you couldn't see them. They were actually kind of like God. And their power trickled down. I can't take any man in the JW religion seriously after having watched any Stephen Lett video. He is cartoonish. He patronized all his followers like they are wittle childwen. If I had seen a single one of his videos when I was in, I would have been done. Over and out. The Wizard of Oz came across as more realistic than Lett does. How can you think GOD has anything to do with any of them with a man like that speaking the way he does and using the facial antics and the exaggerated body language that he uses? Of course there is no fear. When you show the faces and name the names, you take away the fear of the thing itself.