stocwach, borgfree, ThiChi, Billygoat, Oreopandabear, FRUSR8TD, JeffT, Dawn, Adonai438, lv4fer, NeonMadman, mouthy, LittleToe, Dino, AuntieJane, jst2laws, PointBlank
All you Christian folk have joined in here and some of you seemed pleased to associate with Clash as a fellow Christian when he offered this thread as a place to acknowledge your common faith in the Lord. Are you still here? What are some of your thoughts about Clash's bold statements about the eventuality of all who don't believe as he does?
Trotafox, Unclepenn1, RR
You guys have been among the most vocal in defending the faith of Christians. What are your comments? Are you still glad to be Clash's associate? Or, are you a little embarrased by his bombastic "you're going to hell" rhetoric?
I really have enjoyed this thread. It has given me a real roller-coaster ride. I've been angered, surprised, incredulous, appalled, amused, giddy, and downright ecstatic with uncontrolled laughter. The whole gambit. I can't figure out yet if Clash is for real or is just playing games but I must say I am leaning toward the idea that this guy is convinced he is good for Christianity. This is a great start toward a study in the psychology of an elitist. I have great sympathy for you who are Christian and really do love your fellow man. I know you are trying. I only hope you realize that you are still a long way from maturity and have not yet found the salvation you are looking for.
My own salvation came when I finally jetisoned the idea that religions are to be taken seriously. The gods you "worship" are not real. Their purpose is to lead you to your own inner spirit and to help you grow up. But at some point you're supposed to realize that the superstition and mythology is metaphorical and only to be used in ritual. Please, grow up and stop this rediculous diatribe about everyone going to hell or revelling in their own sin. It is little wonder why some folks get so pissed off at you guys telling them they are sinners and going to die at god's hands damned forever in the firey pit of dispair.
I just can't bring myself to say the words I want to say to Clash in this public forum. I have too much respect for you folks who would be offended by my language. But if I were confronted face to face with this guy it would not be a pretty site. I was brought up to be well behaved but I never held back from punching a bully in the nose. It sure would complete this flood of emotion if I could give this guy a good whack! Ha!