Ahem, if I may break in to this flame for a second and address the original post.
(Why must we constantly fall victim to trolls. Can't we learn to ignore them? Certainly you can see how affective such trolling can be in obscuring the real conversations. Can some of us here learn from this and get better at ignoring the trolls?)
Lucidentity, welcome to the board. I hope you will be strong enough to stay involved here. All that you may be hoping for as a believer continues to be addressed here and in other places at some time or another. Can't say you'll get any answers but the inspiration to use your own thinking ability can be fantastic, if not downright frightening.
You ask "why waste time"? Well, that is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? I think watching I Love Lucy is a waste but my wife begs to differ. Maybe by now you are beginning to realize that not many here consider this a waste of time. There have been many fine responses here already. I would like to add the idea that you are not being honest with yourself. If you really believed the JW's were somehow on the right path you would not be staying away from them. As the Witnesses will remind you, you must take the whole package. You can't stay away from the meetings and still get salvation. Be honest with yourself and you will better be able to see where you have issues with their theology. Once you see the issues clearly you can begin to work out the details with your chosen faith.
There are many emotions involved, fear not the least of them. Can you face your own fears? Are you willing to confront your own questions and accept the answers that become evident? Maybe you don't really want to admit that the JW's are just another man-made organization and that Jehovah has nothing to do with the organization? Maybe you don't want to admit that you are worshiping an organization of men instead of an all powerful God? Maybe you are questioning why this god of yours is so blind as to not see the duplicity in his own chosen organization and speak up? Maybe you are wondering why Jehovah so cleverly came to the aid of his people in ancient times but can't seem to lift a finger for the abused and neglected withing his modern chosen group?
Whatever your issues are, you have yet to face them. Maybe you are starting to do just that by your participation here. It can be a very bumpy ride and sometimes it seems like you're going to die. But in the end it's worth the effort to stay the course and face your fears. Ultimately you will discover that the WTS is not what is says it is and that God is not associating with anyone, let alone the arrogant bastards calling themselves 'faithful and discreet'. We are all in this together, no one has more of a channel to God than anyone else, and there is no truth to be found in any organization. The truth is inside you and it's crying to get out. Start paying attention to it's cry and you'll never regret it.