Well, I agree with Nic in that labels are ugly and not necessary for healthy individuals. However, it can be helpful to compare your own ideas with those of others and formulate your own ideas and beliefs. When your beliefs are similar to those of others there seems to be a kind of kinship that surfaces. But it's important to be careful about forming aliances and separating into labelled groups in an attempt to validate your existance. As long as you don't get to feeling that your labelled beliefs are somehow more correct than some other labelled beliefs I suppose it does no real harm.
As to the ideas labelled as "Deist" I tend to personally see the value in them and consider myself in basic agreement with them. One of the foremost proponents of those ideas was Thomas Paine in the 18th century. Read the "Age of Reason" and you will see what I mean.
But Deist is just a label given by those who classify such things as theology so don't get too excited about trying to classify your own beliefs. You will likely find that you agree or disagree with many ideas not officially considerred "Deist".
Take care,