Less JW's having chidren = Less bought up in the faith.
Less bought up in the faith + Less converted = Less JW's.
Less JW's = Potential end of the WTBTS.
marriage and parenthood in this time of the end .
responsible marriage .
hence, those who keep on working hard to preserve their marriage because they want to remain faithful to their wedding vow deserve respect and loving help from the christian congregation.
Less JW's having chidren = Less bought up in the faith.
Less bought up in the faith + Less converted = Less JW's.
Less JW's = Potential end of the WTBTS.
this is something my wife and i were discussing the other day .
in a general view of religious people - most religious people feel it makes them holier, better, or on a higher moral plane claiming to worship god in an organized religion.
in the jehovah's witnesses view - the outside world is evil, and they claim that if you get away from their religion , and " fall away" a person is doomed to go astray, doing various sundry things like murder, adultery, stealing, orgies, because " they claim " that they have fallen " out of " god's favor.
Personally I find 'I am good because I WANT to be' is infinately preferable to ' I am good becase my religion says I HAVE to be'.
many of us i'm sure experienced embarrassing or comical moments as a witness.
some things we'd rather just forget , i'm sure, but some things helped us think on our feet, quickly in helping others .
here are a few of mine.
He liked to comment, but let the dummy do the commenting for him.
Classic Jehovahs Witness really
article from the times uk.
His attitude seems to be that he thinks the Apocalypse will happen in his lifetime, but if it doesn't, it's not the end of the world.
here is a run down of some special things i noticed at the district convention.. i probably took better notes now than when i used to go as a jw.. however, my notes now are mostly "stupid" things that they say on stage.
symposium: directed by god's spirit in our ministry - speaking the word of god with boldness.
Sow With a View to the Spirit This talk informed us that there was an increase of 1106 congregations in the world.
Then mentions that there is less than an average of 3 elders per congregation worldwide.
The speaker hit hard for brothers to pray for the desire to achieve this responsibility.
This fits in with the Elder shortage discussions there have been on here lately, seems the 'problem' has been elevated from rumour to fact.
Then he said, "Most of those who leave the organization, leave because of conduct, not doctrine."
From peoples stories I read here this is 'technically true', however, it doesnt tell the full story.
Most have doctrine problems, but, as the Elders cannot defend the indefensable doctrines, they simply look for other reasons to disfellowship.
see "gun pulled on church solicitor.
ortonville man charged after threatening jehovah's witness outside store.".
I wonder why they called the police, surely they believe that Jehovah will protect them?
the wts is mutating right before our eyes!
just as gary busselman predicted (you kick ass, gary!
you're better at prophecy than jesus!
I refer you to my 4th post in this thread
"who is wise and understanding among you?".
"who is wise and understanding among you?
let him show out of his fine conduct his works with a mildness that belongs to wisdom.".
14. Another example might be if elders in a congregation observe that one elder, though having served for some years, now clearly does not meet the Scriptural qualifications. Noting that the brother has received specific counsel in the past but has failed to improve, the visiting circuit overseer agrees and joins in the recommendation that he be deleted as an elder. How will he view that? Will he accept the elders' unanimous conclusion and Scriptural counsel in a spirit of humility and mildness and be determined to meet the Scriptural qualifications so that he might serve again? Or will he harbor resentment and jealousy over no longer having the privilege that he once had? Why would a brother act as if he qualified as an older man when in reality he did not? How much wiser it would be to show humility and be understanding!
Or will he harbor resentment and jealousy over no longer having the privilege that he once had? .......................and start posting BOE secrets on JWD
i haven't been here in a while........glad to see the site is still here.......just wanted to say hi and i have missed you all.. i have been busy changing my life for the better......i am in school now........going to be an automotive tech when i grow up.....lol.
hope everyone is well and will be checking in more often.. love you guys,.
Hi Jes hun, nice to 'see' you, glad you are doing well.
the wtbts makes much of how witmesses were persecuted in nazi germay, but how many know that they claimed compensation for it, and lied?.
in a letter to adolf hitler the wt claimed,.
"dear reichskanzler, the brooklyn headquarter of the watchtower society is pro german in an exemplary way and has been so for many years.
The WTBTS makes much of how Witmesses were persecuted in Nazi Germay, but how many know that they claimed compensation for it, and lied?
In a letter to Adolf Hitler the WT claimed,
"Dear Reichskanzler, … The Brooklyn headquarter of the Watchtower Society is pro German in an exemplary way and has been so for many years. For that reason, in 1918, the president of the Society and seven members of the board of directors were sentenced to 80 years in prison, because the president refused to use two of the magazines published in America under his direction for war propaganda against Germany. These two magazines, "The Watchtower" and "Bible Student" were the only magazines in America which refused to engage in anti-German propaganda and for that reason were prohibited and suppressed in America during the war.
Bold mine*
Source; http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/politics.htm
However, in their letter claiming mony from the compensation fund they claimed;
(2) Witness literature often carried sharp critisism of flagrant human rights violations in Nazi Germany.
(Bottom page 2) Source;
Its disgusting what this society will do for money.