Does Someone Have to be Religious to Be a Good Person?

by flipper 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    This is something my wife and I were discussing the other day . In a general view of religious people - most religious people feel it makes them holier, better, or on a higher moral plane claiming to worship God in an organized religion. In the Jehovah's Witnesses view - the outside world is evil, and they claim that if you get away from their religion , and " fall away" a person is doomed to go astray, doing various sundry things like murder, adultery, stealing, orgies, because " they claim " that they have fallen " out of " God's favor.

    But many of us who are not in a religion want to be a good person because it makes us feel good about ourselves. It helps relationships we have with people to treat others with consideration. We don't need a " church " to tell us to do that. We want to do that because it's the right way to treat people in civilized society. Many in religions, witnesses included, feel they " have to be good " to avoid destruction by God at Armageddon ; so their motivation to be a good person is based on fear of death, or that they will allegedly be rewarded by God with heavenly or a paradise life forever , just for being a decent human as they should be anyway.

    My wife and I discussed it : And our take was that a good majority of Jehovah's Witnesses are good, because they feel they will be rewarded with everlasting life . Take away THAT reward ; and would they still try to be decent people ? Here is a concept for those exiting the JW's. How about being nice and decent to people because it makes them feel good, and you get a satisfaction of self esteem by being nice to others ? It makes YOU feel fulfilled by making others happy ! And it creates conditions which help make the world a little better place - at least as far as we are concerned.

    Many times we see more immoral people in religions , more perverted, and taking advantage of their own people in many disrespectful ways. So the point I'm making is it comes down to the person individually. What do I as a person want to be ? How will I feel about myself and others by what I do ? Will I make a positive difference, or negative difference ? There are many good people that want to be that way- who are NOT religious. They do it , not out of being coerced for some reward- but because they feel rewarded inside themselves, each and every day of their lives - just being decent to others ! So- What are your thoughts on this subject ?? Are people outside " organized religions " able to be decent, caring humans ? Or is everybody SO BAD, they just have to have some reward dangled in front of them by a religion - just to stay good ? As always- I look forward to your thoughts on this. It should get interesting. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Since "good person" is completely arbitrary and subjective, the answers will naturally vary greatly being dependent on the values the answerer holds.

  • flipper

    JOHN DOE- Very true you are in your statement. I expect a lot of different answers . That's why I put it out there. To get a pulse of where people's minds are on the topic. So, it should be interesting

  • restrangled

    Flipper, if there is one thing I've learned it's if someone is having to announce their religion, or proclaiming they are "Christian".....usually their behavior is not, especially in the business world.


  • daniel-p

    If you're a religious person you'll most certainly say "yes" to this question. If you're not religious, you'll say "no." In other words, nearly everyone thinks they are a good person and if they think someone else is like them, are more likely to believe that person is good as well.

  • flipper

    RESTRANGLED- Very good point you make ! I have noticed that as well in the business world and other places, when meeting someone new for the first time who is REALLY religious. It's like they make a point to say, " I'm in such and such religion and we do this and that for people. " In essence they start going on about how much they do for people- because they are religious. And you are right, in time actions speak louder than words ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    DANIEL P- Very true. It is all dependent from which vantage point a person is coming from. But it's more the issue of a person being good within themselves I'm pointing out; as opposed to needing a religion to MAKE them good. But yes, everyone has their opinion.

    RESTRANGLED- Oh, hey girl ! Happy Birthday to you sis ! 49 big ones , eh ? Bet you don't look a day past 30 ! Hope that made your day ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • *summer*

    First, I make a distinction between being "religious" and being "spiritual".

    I find very religious people often tend to be very narrow minded and judgmental. They go through life in a straight line, according to their usually strong beliefs, without giving too much leeway.

    So NO, being religious does not necessarily equal being a good person. I would say being spiritual makes a person more sensitive and more inclined to at least try to make the world a better place~

  • snowbird

    No; in fact, religion seems to work against a person's being good. I can't stand being around people who loudly proclaim that they're Christian or have been "washed in the Blood," as they like to say down here. Most who do that are looking for some kind of a reward.

    Being kind and decent toward all should be its own reward.

    Just my thoughts.

    Peace out!


  • daniel-p

    It seems to me that religion more often than not uses fear to influence people to be good. As in, "love your neighbor or else you won't get into the Kingdom of Heaven" or something like that. However, there are so many other reasons to be, and do, good. Most of these reasons are sociological--things that can be learned through education and experience. Things that impell people to be good because they want to love themselves and be happy. This is, in my opinion, the first thing to accomplish, and the only route that ensures one can be good for others. in other words... (I know I'm rambling here), religion to me seems more like a 12-step club for the downtrodden, sort of like a socialization scheme to rehabilitate the formerly anti-social and self-hating. Forgive me if anything I say offends, just some random thoughts.

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