The reason that the JW's have so many books (apart from, as was already said, the money) is that that there is no point in JW's learning anything by heart. They need the latest book to stay current, otherwise they will be preaching something learned before the latest doctrine change, oops, I mean before the latest New Light™ Flashed™.
JoinedPosts by searcher
Why on earth do they need all those books?
by Lady Lee inyes i know the standard answer - they want to sell books but hang on a minute.. .
something that has always bothered me is that the average jw is incapable of explaining some of the most basic teachings without a wt book in hand.
after all those years, all that time, all those meetings, why is it so hard to understand and teach to someone else?
14 years later- still a wreck! What's up with me!
by doffy inthe listener said on an earlier postyou've been out for awhile, perhaps your insight will help some of us who are still in the exiting process.
which was a lovely thing to say, and made me feel 'valued' (thanks listener!).
but, you know, 14 years on, and there are times, when i feel like i just left.. i took the children to the pictures yesterday (to see 'wallace & grommit').
*Why do I still give her the Power?*
Ex JWs who posted on the 'Is Porn Bad' thread
by Qcmbr ini was just thinking that most of those who were not against porn were once jws and presumably would have been against it then.
do you think this means that when in a religion people are generally paying lip service to some principles rather than really really believing them or as part of conversion to the world sans jw principles moral standpoints change?
While I was never a JW (and I never posted on the is Porn Bad thread) I believe that peoples views of almost anything can change over time, particularly when the person has been subjected to a barrage of ‘ Porn is bad, porn is bad’.
Sometime later, when, for example, leaving the org, the person starts to realise that there are other views, and maybe investigates those views, they may come to a conclusion such as “Hey! This isn’t as ‘bad’ as I have always been led to believe”. -
How did you come to JWD ?
by oldflame ini came to jwd back in 2001, i was under a different name then.
i do not remember if i was introduced by gumby who is a dear friend of mine or if i had found this site through i was when i first came here pretty bitter as i went through pure hell with the jw faith and my family who are jw.. i was ready for a fight, and ready to rip anyones head off if they crossed me wrong.
i was bitter at the religion for almost fooling me twice as i was a mormon in my teenage years.
Around 2001 I got my first computer, also at that time I became fascinated by the origins of religion and decided to reasearch them. I was attending various branches of the christian religion as the obvious place to start. The JW's knocked on my door during this period and I thought I would 'sign up' for a study to see what they had to say. I quickly found that 'something' in what they said didnt sit right, so I decided to go online, type in 'Jehovahs Witnesses' into a search engine to try and find what 'the other side' said. JWD was one of the links that popped in, I came, I read, (people like Amazing, AlanF, Farkel etc. Also posters experiences) and I soon saw that what the JW's were telling me, bore very little reseblence to what was being said by most who had been a part of that organisation. As you can tell from my post count, I have never posted much, however, I did discover the chat room, going in there has had a profound effect on my life, I have made many great friends here and am so grateful to the site for that.
Chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia...
by Quentin inmy daughter has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia.
several questions: are they one in the same, are there any good web sites to look over?
also, when she was young she was abused/molested over a several year period.
fibromyalgia information.
Chronic fatigue syndrome information. -
If you don't think that the dead come back to life....
by Legolas inyou should see this place at quitting time!
i seen this on a sign!
and i laughed my ass off!.
Saw one in a cafe one time
Thought it was kinda funny at the time.
I WON! ~Reader's Digest Sweepstakes!
by bikerchic in......entry deadline, whipdedoo!.
well i hardly ever win anything so it was a bit exciting to receive a package stating i had won the fastest return to the reader's digest sweepstakes bonus prize!.
.......okay so here is where it gets was a cd of inspirational melodies!
- she's in the running
- about to win
- whats your bank account so we can direct credit your winnings?
- it's nearly there
- are you ready?
- coming soon
etc etc ad nauseum
Run by the WTBTS?SOON !!! hehehe
*edited cos my keyboard cant spell.
by onacruse inok, so since sng suggested this (in the "intelligent design" thread), let's take a shot, eh?.
take a human baby, immediately from the womb; provide every physical need, but absolutely no direct contact whatsoever!
no faces, no voices, no sounds, no other humans, no animals, no trees and leaves and flowers--just a pure and simple newborn, clean slate.. would this baby naturally develop a language, some language, any language?.
This one?
Victor, the Wild Boy of Aveyron
L'Enfant Sauvage
Victor of Aveyron is perhaps the best-known feral child, made famous through Truffaut's film L'Enfant Sauvage. Victor is considered by many to be the first documented case of autism.
Found in the forest
Victor was first sighted wandering in the woods near Saint Sernin sur Rance, in southern France, at the end of the 18th century. He was captured but subsequently escaped, and wasn't retaken until January 1800 when he emerged from the woods. Aged about 12, he couldn't speak and bore a number of scars, suggesting he'd been in the wild for some time.
Most hated WT publication
by Nosferatu inwhat is the wt publication you hated the most?
why did you hate it?
for me, it was probably that damn pink great teacher book.
I have a copy of the Revelation book that has its cover stuck on upside down, (maybe its for the JW equivalent of a Black Mass?
BTW, its even more confusing when you read it upside down and from back to front
About time too
by searcher inburglar defence guidelines issued
householders who injure or even kill intruders are unlikely to be prosecuted - providing they are acting "honestly and instinctively", new guidelines say.
Burglar defence guidelines issued
Householders who injure or even kill intruders are unlikely to be prosecuted - providing they are acting "honestly and instinctively", new guidelines say.