If children are to be told that fantasy people/creatures do not exist and should not be 'seen', then it looks like Disney et al will be going out of business.
JoinedPosts by searcher
Tears, Outrage After Teacher Denies Santa Claus's Existence...
by Elsewhere inonder if the teacher is a jw.
grinchy remark sends kids home in tears.
Simon, I challenge you to watch "Winning Iraq: The untold Story".
by hubert inunfortunately, because you live in the u.k., you may not have access to this.
but, if you do, then i think you and every one here should watch it, also, whether you are for, or against us being in iraq.
fox news channel, saturday, december 3, '05, at 9 p.m. (ch.
The way to arrive at a full understanding of the Truth™ is to only read the Approved Publications™.
Iyad Allawi
by searcher iniyad allawi, the man who has made claims about how things are as bad or worse in iraq now as they were under saddam hussein, is a memebr of the group who provided intelligence about womd to mi6 before the war.. as it is now claimed by many that these so called womd never existed, his being involved with the intelligence community prior to the war, and claiming that such weapons existed, must therefore imply his ulterior motives to his latest claims.. claims which i believe should examined very carefully.. after all, if womd never existed, and he claimed they did, what was his motive for saying so, and what are his motives now?.
iyad allawifrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.jump to: navigation, searchiyad allawi.
dr. iyad allawi (arabic: ????
BTW: Do you really think that Bush et al believed the 45 minute claim ... or simply picked at whatever evidence they could get to conduct an illegal war?
I have no idea, either is possible.
Iyad Allawi
by searcher iniyad allawi, the man who has made claims about how things are as bad or worse in iraq now as they were under saddam hussein, is a memebr of the group who provided intelligence about womd to mi6 before the war.. as it is now claimed by many that these so called womd never existed, his being involved with the intelligence community prior to the war, and claiming that such weapons existed, must therefore imply his ulterior motives to his latest claims.. claims which i believe should examined very carefully.. after all, if womd never existed, and he claimed they did, what was his motive for saying so, and what are his motives now?.
iyad allawifrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.jump to: navigation, searchiyad allawi.
dr. iyad allawi (arabic: ????
If someone lied about one thing then we have to believe the exact opposite of whatever else they say do we?
Those are your words, not mine.
But dont 'some' believe that about Bush?
As quoted in the article above,
A former Ba'athist, Allawi set up the Iraqi National Accord, which carried out bombings in Saddam Hussein's Iraq and is today an active political party. In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq the INA provided intelligence about alleged weapons of mass destruction to MI6.
So if Allawi is the head of the Iraqi National Accord, he has to take the blame for what they say/do, the same as some insist that Bush has to take the blame for his administrations percieved errors.
As such, he is a proven liar, and IMO a proven liar must be treated with suspicion on anything he subsequently says.(But dont 'some' believe that about Bush?)
Iraq MAY be worse now than before, I just want more than the word of such a man as Allawi, a man who obviously has an agenda, shown by his previous actions/words.
Iyad Allawi
by searcher iniyad allawi, the man who has made claims about how things are as bad or worse in iraq now as they were under saddam hussein, is a memebr of the group who provided intelligence about womd to mi6 before the war.. as it is now claimed by many that these so called womd never existed, his being involved with the intelligence community prior to the war, and claiming that such weapons existed, must therefore imply his ulterior motives to his latest claims.. claims which i believe should examined very carefully.. after all, if womd never existed, and he claimed they did, what was his motive for saying so, and what are his motives now?.
iyad allawifrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.jump to: navigation, searchiyad allawi.
dr. iyad allawi (arabic: ????
Bush et al believed this man when he said that Iraq had WOMD that could be deployed in 45 minutes. You and others believe this man that things are worse now in Iraq than under Saddam Hussein. If Bush et al were/are fools for believing this man.....................I leave you to fill in the blanks.
Iyad Allawi
by searcher iniyad allawi, the man who has made claims about how things are as bad or worse in iraq now as they were under saddam hussein, is a memebr of the group who provided intelligence about womd to mi6 before the war.. as it is now claimed by many that these so called womd never existed, his being involved with the intelligence community prior to the war, and claiming that such weapons existed, must therefore imply his ulterior motives to his latest claims.. claims which i believe should examined very carefully.. after all, if womd never existed, and he claimed they did, what was his motive for saying so, and what are his motives now?.
iyad allawifrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.jump to: navigation, searchiyad allawi.
dr. iyad allawi (arabic: ????
Iyad Allawi, the man who has made claims about how things are as bad or worse in Iraq now as they were under Saddam Hussein, is a memebr of the group who provided intelligence about WOMD to MI6 before the war.
As it is now claimed by many that these so called WOMD never existed, his being involved with the intelligence community prior to the war, and claiming that such weapons existed, must therefore imply his ulterior motives to his latest claims.
Claims which I believe should examined very carefully.
After all, if WOMD never existed, and he claimed they did, what was his motive for saying so, and what are his motives now?
Iyad Allawi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Jump to: navigation, searchIyad Allawi
Dr. Iyad Allawi (Arabic: ???? ????? ) (born 1945) is an Iraqi politician, and was the interim Prime Minister of Iraq prior to Iraq's 2005 legislative elections. A prominent Iraqi-British neurosurgeon and Iraqi exile political activist, the politically secular Shia Muslim became a member of the Iraq Interim Governing Council, which was established by U.S.-led coalition authorities following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He became Iraq's first head of government since Saddam Hussein when the council dissolved on June 1, 2004 and named him Prime Minister of the Iraqi Interim Government. His term as Prime Minister ended on April 7, 2005, after the selection of Islamic Dawa Party leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari by the newly-elected transitional Iraqi National Assembly.
He continues to lead his Iraqi National Accord's party in the new Assembly, though its support was weak during legislative elections, and only polled 14 per cent of the vote.
A former Ba'athist, Allawi set up the Iraqi National Accord, which carried out bombings in Saddam Hussein's Iraq and is today an active political party. In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq the INA provided intelligence about alleged weapons of mass destruction to MI6. Allawi has lived about half of his life in the UK and retains British citizenship. His wife and children still live in Britain for their security. He survived an assassination attempt on 20th of April 2005.
Allawi's name is sometimes rendered as Ayad Allawi.
% Women vs. % Men in JW
by void ini read a scientific study a few months ago that stated the women where more susceptible to religion than men.
(i am trying to find this article as i dont like not backing up my claims.
anyway it got me thinking a lot.
Its a sign that the End ™ is near
2Timothy 3 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 6 For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.NWT
hey guys............for those who remember me...........
by Jesika inhey ........been a while since i have been online...........how i miss being on the net......just havent been able......but good to see some of you still here.........and i miss talking to you.. just wanted to say hi!!!!
and that you are in my thoughts all the time.. love you,.
Sure I remember you, you are that 4 ft munchkin I met in Texas a while back aintcha?