I think there is more bias laden news outlets now which years ago simply wasn't there.
In other words you better be aware of the possibility of underling intents with news agencies now days , on the net or elsewhere.
do you think most of what they cover is accurate?
do you trust the media , especially mainstream?.
I think there is more bias laden news outlets now which years ago simply wasn't there.
In other words you better be aware of the possibility of underling intents with news agencies now days , on the net or elsewhere.
despite the wt's and young earth creationists' teachings against human evolution (namely macroevolution from non-humans) being a reality, the evidence of human evolution keeps getting stronger and stronger.. consider for example two science news articles and one other science article, each pertaining to the fossil that is nicknamed "little foot".
below are links to three science articles, listed in order of the articles from oldest to newest (except i don't see a date for one of the articles).
A low guess for the extrapolated universe is 10 to the 24th power solar systems with planets, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or a trillion trillion.
These are solar systems mind you, take that into account and think about how many planets are within those solar systems.
The likelihood of there being planets with atmospheres similar to ares is quite high, therefore making the possibility of biological life being there as well.
Nasa found one back in 2015 called Kepler-452b
info about this planet ......
as a youg man this stunned me when i studied the original "youth" book 97% had done it so i thought soo that's pretty much everyone i guess the 3% were witness youth!
also "awake" claimed 90% of students had accessed porn at some time.
everyone is doing it i guess 10% are the witness youth...how dumb was i?.
Org's wank-related anxiety stems from one old closeted higher-up who
thought all the jerking he did as a teen turned him queer.
I remember that coming out in a WT or AW, even then I thought what wanking turns you into a Gay Homosexual ???
The GB man are no doubt poorly educated about a lot of things, particularly about human sexuality.
are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?
after mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members.... how will you know you’re infected??
a pcr test cranked up to detect anything of course!
are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?
Dude your off your rocker , seek psychiatric help .
to the majority of people who investigate the activities of the wts from its beginning history there were obvious false proclamations and doctrines propagated by the wts.. a matter of fact the wts produced a long list of literature that posted proclamations on the front cover and went into detail of things that were suppose to happen, from jesus returning changing the world in which we live and so on.. wonderful things one might say but not factual or either theologically correct .
The roots and the beginning of the JWS is an interesting one.
It really just started by a guy named C T Russell who was more of salesman of religious literature and developed an organization that was set about to distribute that literature.(IBSA)
Over the years the organization grew and expanded all over the world and with that growth more self empowerment developed toward the top orchestraters namely J Rutherford.
A highly controlling religious cult began to evolve , literature distribution was the core operation, with training sessions at Kingdom Halls and large public assemblies etc.
The studied were devised and molded to be the new public distributors and trainers themselves,
The strategy to assist those distribution endeavors were the set doctrines such as 1914 1925 , 1975 and so on.
Established behaviors and social directions were created to make the organization and each individual appear righteous in the eyes of god, though many left the organization accepting that many of the doctrines were really unrighteous or unchristian like.
i keep hearing that the watchtower org is going to be around forever because of the many other religions that have been around a long time.
but i disagree because the wt is not like other religious cults.. the watchtower's breath of life is dependent on the last days that started in 1914. .
you can’t change 1914 without a death blow to the entire organization.. the watchtower's 2nd reason for staying alive, is it's continual urging that the life saving preaching work of warning people is the most important work ever.. but- it's very obvious to many, even the old ones that instead of speeding up the work------the work is slowing down to a drip.. comment by former believer; .
As long as the power and money is there, there will be men who will strive to keep it alive.
The Watchtower's failed doctrines are not going to completely ruin this organization, new doctrines will be created to show that the JWS are preaching the truth .
In essence new lies to create "The Truth "
when i see watchtower videos or interviews i can’t help but notice how bland and boring jws really are!
they are so vanilla.
no excitement, just robotic conversation.. what the hell happened to these people?
Fear, Obligation and Guilt are the core ideological pressures placed upon people who are JWS.
Or simple brainwashing done so to sustain the organization and keep the people at the top in place with money to use.
Care to join a religious cult ?
good pick?
bad pick?
helpful to president biden?
I think big daddy Biden has kept her quiet and suppressed.
are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?
after mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members.... how will you know you’re infected??
a pcr test cranked up to detect anything of course!
Watch out DD those comie democrats are coming to get you.
You just might not return !
Never mind JWS coming to your door.
when i see watchtower videos or interviews i can’t help but notice how bland and boring jws really are!
they are so vanilla.
no excitement, just robotic conversation.. what the hell happened to these people?
Forced guilt and obligation is different from boring or boredom.
Some people got excited to do things they weren't supposed to being a JWS.
Which of course made them hypocrites and that's one thing you see in a lot of in JWS congregations.
The meetings were at times very boring, a lot repetitive subjects, especially for kids.
Hours sitting supposedly listening was really unbearable particularly when your a kid..