Hey thanks a lot dear Petra !
By any chance, do you have access to the latest french BOE letters too ?
2019-07-09-new features on jw.org.
instructions for congregation secretary.
Hey thanks a lot dear Petra !
By any chance, do you have access to the latest french BOE letters too ?
Well it’s not really new light, but it’s hilarious, you’re right !
just released to the general public -via- reddit op.
alligator wisdom (aka brother not exerting vigorously).
Thanks a lot objavitelj !
any thoughts?.
1 - You have too much to do to be able to give attention to anyone who deserves it ? It's your fault, do better.
2 - Police can come at your door anytime and you'll end up in Guantanamo...
And the "big love implies big responsibilities" part made me laugh a bit 😂
this assembly hall in denmark was designed and built by the watchtower bible and track society before drones and google earth were around.
the governing body did not count on this being exposed from the arial view.
according to the 1993 year book on denmark assembly hall.
The piece of land is triangular. An auditorium is always rounded and this one is open air. What other result could you expect ?
for the second year in a row, the org has marked international women's day.
this time, it's an article that lists most female bible characters in alphabetical order with a brief summary for each, topped by a picture of them in 'empowering' poses.
rey and captain marvel would be proud lol.. .
Sorry if I'm dumb but why do you think it's linked to the women's day celebration ?
Women's day is the 8th of March and this article is dated "2019-05-06".
Is there something I'm missing ?
i'm thinking of making a video.
i see there is an explosion of them recently by ex-jws which i believe is a good thing.. if you've done it, what easy-to-learn and use app did you use?
how much did it cost?
Ok thanks a lot for the tips :)
i'm thinking of making a video.
i see there is an explosion of them recently by ex-jws which i believe is a good thing.. if you've done it, what easy-to-learn and use app did you use?
how much did it cost?
I got a question too.
Do I have to use specific tags or something to make my video easier to find ?
I don’t really know how YouTube works in this regard...
it really is common sense, but nobody here seems to recognize or acknowledge this blatant and obvious truth.. the holy bible is the result of the catholic liturgy.
they used these scriptures in their religious practices and confirmed which books would and would not be part of their cannon.
they picked, preserved and promoted these books and gave 'the word of god' to the world.. i know that pisses off some folks, but it is the truth [not the 'truth'tm].
1963 all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial--pdf!
bookmarked searchable reduced what does the front cover of this book look like?
click here: http://www.imagger.com/view/726394_scan-10001.jpg.html (the 1990 edition of this book is being scanned and will be available soon).
Does anyone still have this file ? I'd like to check what they changed in 1990 version...
Thanks !
EDIT : nevermind I found it https://faithleaks.org/wiki/documents/8/8b/1963_si-E.pdf