Lucky Lucy----------------
What if----- Your parents had thought the same thing ?
Sounds a bit like J W thinking I belive, however it's
a personal choice.
Just another reason I like living in the U S A.
people often ask me why i don't have children...."is it because you don't like them?
" it's quiet the contrary.
i like them alot!
Lucky Lucy----------------
What if----- Your parents had thought the same thing ?
Sounds a bit like J W thinking I belive, however it's
a personal choice.
Just another reason I like living in the U S A.
we enter this life with choices, choices to live, choices to learn.
we grow in this life through our friends our family and ourselves.
we expand in this life through our wisdom our education and our knowledge.
My thoughts exactly Kenpo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always say, Quote If your not living on the edge your
taking up to much space !
I love your post, keep them coming.
i posted this months ago, but since there are so many new people here, i thought i'd try again.
i'm curious if any of you were in the following congregations: .
mccully, honolulu hawaii - late 70's .
everyone is somehow connected to a celebrity, with that wondeful six degrees of separation.. for me, my aunt's(by marriage), first cousin is ally sheedy.. how are you related?
My husband is direct descendant of--------------
Francis Scott Key
So I guess that makes Him ( TRUE BLUE ) blood
i have been very busy translating the dead sea scrolls and finding out how to explain to everyone what is the meaning of life, so i feel a need to take a break from my ponderous works to ask all of you a pregnant question, to wit, what is your favorite dish that is mainly comprised of hamburger, or contains hamburger as a major ingredient?
i do request that you only provide one, and only one selection.
(those who disobey this rule will be disfellowshipped and will not get a christmas present from me this year, even if i promised you one.
My favorite hamburger dish would have to be -
Cabbage Rolls------- with lots of tomato sause &sour cream.
They are super wonderful!!!!!!!!!
for those of you who know what is going on skip this part, i will explain to those who didn't know.
while at the apostofest this past sat.
i was 90%, sure because of the symptoms, i had a miscarriage.
Dear Jesika I'm so sorry to hear you were ill.
Hopefully this matter will clear up in a few days!
If it dosen't, go back and get your check-up.
I mean it, please don't ignore it.You mentioned the Depo shot,
my daughter was on Depo, made her very depressed,she had to get
on something else.Please take care of yourself.
Love Ya Searchin50
i have several friends that are veterans and they have to work on monday!!
yet teachers (and we know how useless they are) and students get the day off.i have an idea!!
why don't they just let the veterans off, would that be asking too much??
I'm with you willdabeerman, Very well said !!!!!!!!!
My question is - What is this nonsence about our Teachers ?
I think you need to explain yourself, on that one.
hey hey everyone (im ofc son) .
tommorow is her bday .
shes gonna be old ok anyways i know she chats here alot so ummm u were warned .
May you have many many more
Searchin50 of the
Dull Women Have Clean houses Class
governing body .
watchtower bible & tract society .
dear who ever you are, .
This is a Beautiful Letter:(
May many blessings be upon you at this time !!!!
Please let us know if you get a response from them.
Surely this will get their attention.-------hehe
Thanks for sharing. Searchin50
today marks our 25th weekend poll and so we're celebrating our very own silver anniversary!
so settle back and join with our round the world fraternity in polling yourself!
today's 'silver' topic is: .
Oh thank you Ozzie,
I'm so happy that I may report time again !!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been so many yrs since I was allowed
to do this.
So I would say I'm a No 2 at present, but will
be striving in the future for more hours.
Are we allowed to count time for talking to others,
about being on this board, if so than I would be
definite No 3
Awating your reply I remain, in the faithful service!!!!!!
Searchin50 of the
Dull Women Have Clean Houses Class