steve2, did you not watch the video? It's clearly not a boast from JWs or WTS.
"If you want to help me, you should not help based on religion."
I hope that burns as deeply as it should. Truly spoken.
i could not post video.
this was the best i could do.. paul.
steve2, did you not watch the video? It's clearly not a boast from JWs or WTS.
"If you want to help me, you should not help based on religion."
I hope that burns as deeply as it should. Truly spoken.
thanks.. no really, thank you.. you decided to drive down to la with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on thanksgiving.
that's awesome.
no, really, i hope you had great thanksgiving.. then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired.
Why didn't you simply tell your boss your tooth hurt and that rescheduling the appointment would cost you?
Logistics. The world can't stop for a broken tooth or a lazy schmuck. Especially when a job needs to start in the early hours and many many customers are depending on it, waiting on the schmuck becomes a huge gamble with few payoffs.
Politics, too. I made a sacrifice with a few perhaps desperate options left available, but I don't think he did himself any favors.
has anybody else noticed that almost all the jdubs are super arrogant?
i mean even from just the basic ones to especially the elders and the overseers omg.
they act like they are so high and mighty that you should just worship them.
If you're genuine in your interest in serving the one true God, the arrogance is often unintended. But when you knock people who go to church in T-shirts and jeans, it should be difficult to call that anything but arrogance. When you mock Mormons just for being Mormons, it should seem hypocritical. When you are convinced that the world belongs to Satan and that everything outside of JWland is "poison", it should defy basic Christianity.
Hell, when you think that humans are so special that the universal sovereignty of God is contingent upon them, that should seem pretty arrogant too.
But life on the inside is all fog and fun house mirrors, I'm afraid.
having been a jw for decades i'm used to watching what i do, say, or watch, in fear of being snitched on.. therefore, i the question begs.. there have been instances, i won't say how, where i've felt some members are being deliberate in their attempt to feign support for the anti-jw rhetoric on this forum.. any input is greatly appreciated..
Just think though, there are probably many JW backstabbers who *think* they have found someone from their congregation based on your fictitious accounts and as a result report them to the elders. LOL
That's some good Christian lovin' right there.
it's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
Bring the marionettes and stick apostate literature in their plastic/wooden hands then walk them over to the JWs.
You mean like this?
I love Da Jesus Book... Esther 9:1-19.
Da Jews Win91On March 7, da day da guys dat hate da Jews wen do wat da king's firs rule say. An dey tink dey goin win ova dem. But now eryting change, an da Jews get da power ova da guys dat hate dem. 2Da Jews come togedda inside dea big towns inside all da districks wea Xerxes stay king, fo go agains da guys dat like do bad tings to dem. No mo nobody can stand agains da Jews, cuz all da odda peopos scared a dem. 3All da ali`i inside all da districks, da leadas, da governas, an da guys dat take care da work fo da king, dey wen help da Jews, cuz dey scared a Mordecai. 4Mordecai wen come one importan guy inside da palace now. Erybody inside all da districks hear bout him. So he get mo an mo power.5Da Jews wen use swords fo kill all da guys dat hate dem, an dey do wat dey like to dose guys. 6Inside da strong walls Susa side, da Jews wen kill 500 guys. 7Dey kill Parshandata, Dalfon, Aspata, 8Porata, Adala, Aridata,9Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, an Vaizata.10Dey wen kill da ten boys dat time, dat get Haman fo dea fadda (da same Haman, Hammadata boy, dat hate da Jews). But dey neva take dea stuffs.12Da king tell Queen Esther, “Da Jews wen kill 500 guys awready inside da strong walls Susa town. Dey wen kill Haman ten boys too. Wat dey do inside my odda districks? Now, wat odda ting you like? Wateva you aks, I give um to you!”13Esther tell, “If you tink az good, let da Jews inside Susa do da same ting tomorrow too, an let dem hang Haman's ten boys mahke bodies on top poses.”18But da Jews inside Susa town still stay fight da peopo dat stay agains dem on March 7 and 8. Az why March 9 da day wen da Susa peopo res an come togedda an make party, an stay feel real good inside.
it's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
Avoiding an apostate in the D2D work was very simple, with a notation on a DNC slip. The carts however, that's almost impossible to do with the public approaching you, and a lot harder to walk away from.
I don't hear of that many negative responses to the carts, but there are plenty enough. I've recommended TedTheAtheist on this board, and he battles JWs at their carts quite a bit.
Had I the time or interest, I suppose I could stand silently next to them with a tent sign that says RELIGION IS A SNARE AND A RACKET. Or I could debate the case between 607 and 587 BCE, or the authenticity of Genesis and Acts. Or I could bring some creepy marionettes and just hang out.
i work a little over 40 hours per week, but i recognize that all good things are due to end.
i actually got to meet my company president this week, and she's a very nice lady who is very nicely offering $5000 yearly scholarships to her employees and their families.
i don't have a degree, though i did get a nice college experience before i dropped out, and i'm considering online university.. for starters, i could probably afford the computer science undergrad program at university of the people.
That said, please listen to your children. Not all are college material and not everyone makes if big through college. Keep an open mind and listen if any of your children tells you that (s)he has no interest in college.
Forcing kids to college is as bad as denying it for those who do want to go.
That's true. I understand that. My words are more an expression of sincere will. Once they're adults, there's very little that I can rightly do. question about anything and get a straight answer, what would it be?
historical, philosophical, theological, eschatological, anything.
^ There's a new movie idea. The Human Ouroboros.
i work a little over 40 hours per week, but i recognize that all good things are due to end.
i actually got to meet my company president this week, and she's a very nice lady who is very nicely offering $5000 yearly scholarships to her employees and their families.
i don't have a degree, though i did get a nice college experience before i dropped out, and i'm considering online university.. for starters, i could probably afford the computer science undergrad program at university of the people.
I work a little over 40 hours per week, but I recognize that all good things are due to end. I actually got to meet my company president this week, and she's a very nice lady who is very nicely offering $5000 yearly scholarships to her employees and their families. I don't have a degree, though I did get a nice college experience before I dropped out, and I'm considering online university.
For starters, I could probably afford the Computer Science undergrad program at University of the People. There's a lot of automation coming to my line of work, and I'd be interested in what hybrid opportunities a CS degree could get me, if any. My wife could use the scholarship for her own degree, and I am genuinely serious about selling plasma to help pay for school.
More artistically, writing a book sounds like a lot of work-fun, and I'd love to pursue Aikido if I can manage the time in a dojo. Tai chi, too.
Our kids are going to university. Period. No questions. They'll grow up with a regard for religion from their mother, as did Marcus Aurelius, but they will go off and learn for themselves about the world. I'll even start investment accounts in their name so they don't have to worry as much about cost when they're 18.
I still remember learning the truth about evolution in a basic college biology class. I should never, ever have dropped out.