Ah the written review. The greatest time to come down with a cold.
JoinedPosts by schnell
Do they still do the Written Review?
by Funchback ini left in 2006. i seem to vaguely recall that the written review was no more but i can't say for sure.. so, do they still do it?
was (is) it a waste of time?
i used to hate it..
Will Governing Body stop preaching work?
by neat blue dog inat this year's annual meeting (2016), david "mark" sanderson asks the audience the question, "are you determined to keep on preaching with us until we say the work is completed?
" to which they respond with applause.
do you think that stopping the preaching work will ever be a part of the gb's long range plan?
No, Sanderson. My answer is no. -
The Book of the Dead
by schnell inas i've been reading the book "what did africa contribute to the origins of religion" by robin walker, i've been fascinated with walker's work and it's led me to something i never thought i'd want to read.
the egyptian book of the dead.. i got a copy of e.a.
wallis budge's 19th century translation of the papyrus of ani from barnes and noble, so i'm sure everyone here can procure a copy or find it free online.
Be careful about what you read concerning Egypt and thier similarities. Some of what has been taught in the internet is inaccurate. Example, Jesus is a remake of Horus, not true and many of the things said about Horus can't be found in any place in Egypt.
Take that up with the Egyptologists that predate the Internet, because from every single thing I have ever read about Osiris/Isis/Horus, the similarities are quite clear. It was clear in the late 19th and early 20th century too, Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth and all.
The story of Set killing his brother Osiris and Horus avenging him after Osiris conquers the world of the dead sounds a lot like the Lion King, as well. It's the monomyth, the Hero's Journey. Of course it was used to fill out the narrative of Jesus.
Brooklyn Brothers Signworks... WUT?
by schnell inthe ad for this site came up here on jwn.
i was not aware that these cart signs were being made and sold by essentially a private company or proprietorship.
Exactly, Pete.
Brooklyn Brothers Signworks... WUT?
by schnell inthe ad for this site came up here on jwn.
i was not aware that these cart signs were being made and sold by essentially a private company or proprietorship.
@OrphanCrow, might I suggest that BBS is running ads because they have all that competition?
Isn't that a nice thought?
You Have Been Looking Forward to This for a Long TIme - October 2nd 1914
by steve2 inpicture yourself as a member of the brooklyn bethel family on friday morning, october 2, 1914. you are seated at your usual place at the breakfast table, awaiting the arrival of brother c. t. russell.
suddenly the door to the dining room opens and brother russell appears.
he pauses for a moment, as is his custom, and greets the bethel family with a cheery “good morning, all.” but then, instead of immediately taking his place at the head of the table, he claps his hands and makes a thrilling announcement: “the gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day!” you can hardly contain your joy—you have been looking forward to this moment for a long time!
That was beautiful.
To the brother who called in sick after Thanksgiving vacation
by schnell inthanks.. no really, thank you.. you decided to drive down to la with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on thanksgiving.
that's awesome.
no, really, i hope you had great thanksgiving.. then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired.
Nope! Thank you for asking. My tooth doesn't hurt now, I'm just out a few hundred bucks.
Brooklyn Brothers Signworks... WUT?
by schnell inthe ad for this site came up here on jwn.
i was not aware that these cart signs were being made and sold by essentially a private company or proprietorship.
Pretty sure that's just an ironic accident of google.
Oh no, the oversight is on them. Google Adwords merely actuated it, but they are the ones who chose to advertise, and chose those keywords.
Brooklyn Brothers Signworks... WUT?
by schnell inthe ad for this site came up here on jwn.
i was not aware that these cart signs were being made and sold by essentially a private company or proprietorship.
Even if this weren't an egregious disregard for Jesus casting out the temple charlatans, why are these guys advertising?
A) You gotta pay to run ads. They're making money.
B) Who are they advertising to? Obviously they're looking for terms like "jehovahs witness" and "JW". Which leads to...
C) They screwed up by advertising on a predominantly ex-JW site. Well done.
Brooklyn Brothers Signworks... WUT?
by schnell inthe ad for this site came up here on jwn.
i was not aware that these cart signs were being made and sold by essentially a private company or proprietorship.
I want to vomit.