The WTBTS is in total defense/survival mode. They are doubling down on all their dogma, espescially loyalty to the "Faithful Slave" and "unity of doctrine." Yes, the current WT study edition actually says "unity of doctrine."
They aren't writing another book where they can misquote authors, they have other issues right now.
My wife cited the Institute for Creation Research recently when defending the flood. She didn't know what the ICR is, or AIG for that matter. But there ya go, the creationist pseudoscience was available online for reference and she linked me to it. I am sure other witnesses have, too, and I saw at least one Kent Hovind video passed around Facebook.
What I'm saying is, if they don't get on that, young earth creationists will happily fill the void and most JWs would not know what they were getting into.
But, maybe the GB is fine with that. *shrug* They've already referenced Michael Behe and the E. Coli motor in a magazine.