There are risks in it, we know that. Not all doctors like doing it, and we know that too.
for information:.
court of appeals of the state of washingtondivision iidocket number: 48070-1file date: 01/24/2017.
keisha baumgartner appeals the summary judgment dismissal of her medical malpractice wrongful death claim against anesthesiologist dr. mark morehart and columbia anesthesia group, p.s.
There are risks in it, we know that. Not all doctors like doing it, and we know that too.
this is a little long, but stick with me.. if you recall, when the building work was in full swing at the new lakefront villa (warwick), wt was having workers come and they would put them up for a year, or more, while they were providing "volunteer services".
with that, and the impending need for hundreds and hundreds of new khs in the usa territory, the congregations were abuzz with the need for "continued construction volunteers".
recently, as many of you know, wt headquarters has sent pretty much everyone home, and is no longer needing workers at the new warwick site, as the building is mostly complete, with the dedication coming up later this year.
But you are so correct...it's all about appearances...seen given out literature, seen at the hall, if you're not noticed at the hall, then go to the bathroom to be seen...
I could make a list of then teenagers and twenty somethings with double lives who pioneered and went to Bethel. (And somehow I became the bad guy when I decided to be honest...)
No most JW's are not who they are in the hall...they send their representatives to the hall. The real person is when you just drop by the house..but again they can put on then....I say be a fly on the wall and you would really see who they really are....
I've seen the nicest brothers in the hall and when they leave they are yelling at the wife to hurry up...
But when you come to think of it we all send our representatives out ....most of us never show the real them, because most folks feel the real them would not be accepted....
I could also make a list of abusive spouses, ugly marriages, as well as marriages for the sake of advantage and appearance. (Political marriages.) Towards the end, I eschewed the fake smiles at the hall and just went right to my seat. Again, I just wanted to be honest.
I feel sorry for those that this has happened to...but would these same couples if heard these stories, would they have had any empathy for them ? I don't think so, they would have soft soaped it and said....Jehovah will make a way.
This is an ironic choice of words, but isn't that the truth? These people probably would have evaded this topic. Leave everything to Jehovah... Even though Jehovah works through people??? So if you're saying "leave it to Jehovah", aren't you actually breaking Jehovah's process when you should be taking action? It's nonsense.
this is a little long, but stick with me.. if you recall, when the building work was in full swing at the new lakefront villa (warwick), wt was having workers come and they would put them up for a year, or more, while they were providing "volunteer services".
with that, and the impending need for hundreds and hundreds of new khs in the usa territory, the congregations were abuzz with the need for "continued construction volunteers".
recently, as many of you know, wt headquarters has sent pretty much everyone home, and is no longer needing workers at the new warwick site, as the building is mostly complete, with the dedication coming up later this year.
The JW who got me hired at my job admits that he's never put into our company's 401k plan. He has no retirement savings. He is betting on Armageddon and Social Security.
Many of the rank and file never served at Bethel, but never thought they'd need to plan for retirement either. You could blame some of that on the rise-and-fall of the economy, for sure, but getting duped by a cult into false hopes for a new world has got to weigh more than that.
how long until wt has flip flopped its way back to anything of the faith many of us knew?
who are the now dead ones giving evidence of their non captivity to babylon etc?
i would not recognise what goes on in a kh now and i was in since 60s when we had firm beliefs, now being eroded little by little.
Here, this image says everything.
recently went to a witness wedding, and after the vows the bride and groom were introduced as "brother and sister".....(then last name).....(then the big kiss).
this is likely not unusual (i've heard it before), but with lots of "worldly" people in attendance it seems out of place to me.. i was just wondering if that's the way it is most places?.
I am on record as saying that the terms "Brother" and "Sister" are control mechanisms to tear down your individuality and re-define who is supposed to be your family. After all, should you have a sibling who leaves, you have other replacements....
@AllTimeJeff I'm with you on that.
I have no idea how my wife and I were introduced. I had other things on my mind.
Funny thing is, she wanted a wedding at the hall because her parents would get upset if we didn't do that. I wanted to elope. Vegas, baby. But instead we compromised and had the wedding at the hall with no sex before marriage after 5 years of dating on and off.
Come Monday, though, the elder called and said I'd screwed up the license and we had to go get "married" (sign paperwork again with the elder, best man and bride's maid) in the county hall. So, technically, we still had sex before marriage...
And then her sister (the bride's maid) got married in court with absolutely no fuss from their parents.
That's my rant, that's my wedding rant... :)
i had no doubts at all about the 'truth' untill a friend of mine in the cong' began falling away.
in trying to help him i had to ask questions and do research and that of course cracked the doors of my mind open for the first time in over thirty years.. years ago, when jwd allowed members to have signatures, i used the following quote from voltaire as mine.
i still love it.. doubt is uncomfortable, certainty is ridiculous..
I made stuff like this as a teenager. I like to research and was sure that this was actual history. I had another one that charts back to 4026 BCE and Adam, but it seems to have disappeared from my Google Drive.
I learned otherwise. This isn't history. JWs require it to be or else the doctrine falls apart.
citing the book of revelation - federal lawsuit says fingerprint check is “mark of the devil,” baring former school bus driver entry into heaven.. .
former bus driver files lawsuit.
Fingerprints now, not bar codes or RFID tags?
This is comparable to any Pastafarian lawsuit that's just there to make a point about religion, except this one might be sincere in its plaintiff's insanity.
jehovah's witnesses cannot do a lot of things.
i remember pioneers having to quit their jobs because they could not work in a convenience store and sell cigarettes.
i know of a young man who was offered a scholarship to any college or university if he wanted to go to because of his football abilities.
Might be years later but is there anything nice you could do for him?
I hope so. We have geographical distance between us now. My sister left the organization before I did, and she and I have recently mended over email. Hope to see them all this year. Bring my nephew a new toy.
jehovah's witnesses cannot do a lot of things.
i remember pioneers having to quit their jobs because they could not work in a convenience store and sell cigarettes.
i know of a young man who was offered a scholarship to any college or university if he wanted to go to because of his football abilities.
I thought the subject was "What did you regrettably do because you were a Jehovah's witness?"
I broke my autistic nephew's magic 8 ball toy, to teach him that magic things are bad. His dad had gotten it for him.
He protested, "It's just a toy! It's just a toy! It's just a toy!" My nephew reasoned far more clearly, never captive to the same religious nonsense as his mom and uncle.
Yeah, I fucking regret that. I am sorry.
for those claiming that- how much thought or research have you done?.
objective or non-objective?.
ever read the other books claiming to be from god?
Earth already existed- before the Creative 'Days'- but was a "waste'.
First- Light to reach the Earth (source not specified)
Second- Plant life
Third- Animal Life
Last- man. Formed from the ground. No 'immortal soul'.
Not, as in religions of that time, a drop of blood from battling Gods becoming the first man.
Not a fish becoming a monkey becoing a man...with female versions evolving at the same rate side by side...
I like how this person says it goes along with science, and then goes against science.
I like how this person says it isn't like the other religions at the time, when it is comparable to the Enuma Elish, which takes place over 7 tablets and has a new generation of gods creating on each tablet. On the 6th tablet, the gods create man so that the gods on 7th tablet can rest. The Hebrew bōhū and tōhū translated "formless and void" are also comparable to the violence of the behemoth Apsu and Tiamat.
But hey, you wanna believe this bullshit's the truth, you'll leap tall buildings in a single bound to get there.