Or don't you think that if what the Bible records about remarkable evidence from God in Bible times is true
I do not, and not without reason. The Bible isn't above scrutiny, and in fact has been scrutinized in seminaries for centuries. By historical criticism, it is clear that many books in the Bible are not as genuine as they may at first appear, including many letters in the new testament and everything allegedly written by Moses. (Edit: I should add that it is my firm opinion that if the book of Genesis is not only scientifically refutable but also inauthentic, pseudepigraphal, and a product of multiple sources, then the rest of the Bible is called into question as well and the Christian God of Love has a very real Problem of Evil on his hands.) By archeology and anthropology, it is clear that the history the Bible records is not always reliable and what we have in the the Hebrew scriptures is more propaganda than history. Let alone the scientifically refutable myths such as a worldwide flood (dated at 2370 BCE, no less).
that the same God that gave such striking proof could not provide congruent, unequivocal, convincing evidence to anyone that wants it - even right now?
I do not, given the information in front of me about the Bible itself and some basic science and logic. If you pray for some evidence "even right now" that Jerusalem was sacked in 607 BCE, that the earth was completely flooded in 2370 BCE, that an invisible spirit creature and his armies were hurled from one invisible spirit realm to our world invisibly 2520 years after Jerusalem was sacked, then please do share the results. Will you do that for us?