Instead of using the "poison well tactic," why not rebut the information.
Rebut the information? ALL of that point by point? I don't have that much time! Besides, A LOT of what you wrote was addressed in that last link I posted. Went into great detail on the courtroom proceedings and what happened.
Is it true he never got a trial?
Did you read the article? He didn't have a public trial. They had a plea agreement. But him and his wife shot their mouths off and PO'd the judge + more information on the damage he had done = he got life. It's all in the article.
Is it true the government counted one sentence as one page of information?
I have no idea. Pollard's page info is the only place I've ever seen that. I suspect both have elements of truth in them (the amount and how it was counted). One has to assume that if there is one top-secret sentence on a piece of paper, they're going to count the entire piece of paper and not just one word. I don't think they're going to say "He passed 117,254 classified words to Israel."
Is it true that the info he passed on was info that Israel should have according to agreement with the US?
Again, first time I've heard that. IF some of it Israel should have had, there's more than ample evidence that he gave them loads of stuff they shouldn't of had. Again, that last article I posted from the Jewish Star Times said:
Virtually the entire U.S. intelligence and defense establishment, with CIA director George Tenet acting as point man, want Pollard to remain in jail forever. Few are as adamant about that as senior intelligence officers who happen to be Jewish. Numerous ranking members of Congress, including Sen. Joseph Lieberman, and a large number of American Jewry's top communal leaders do not object to Pollard remaining behind bars. What's more, some top Jewish professional leaders privately express revulsion at efforts to win Pollard's freedom.
Seems to me a lot of Jewish people here in the US realize he did a lot of stuff he shouldn't have?
"Mr. Pollard is a convicted spy who put our national security at risk and endangered the lives of our intelligence officers. There not terms strong enough to express my belief that Mr. Pollard should serve every minute of his sentence...." -Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), chairman of the Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence, Washington Post, December 23, 2000
What damage did he cause to the US? The only information he supplied was related to the dictators around Israel....
It's all posted in my previous post!!
From the Toronto Sun:
Pollard caused enormous damage to U.S. national security. He gave Israel top-secret U.S. military intelligence and diplomatic codes; names of nearly 100 U.S. agents in the Mideast, who were then "turned" by Israel; NSA code-breaking techniques and targets; intercepts of foreign communications; and U.S. war-fighting plans for the Mideast.
According to CIA sources, Pollard provided Israeli intelligence with names of important American agents inside the former Soviet Union and Russia who had supplied information on East Bloc weapons and war plans. How the agents' names were linked to the secrets they supplied - a major breach of basic intelligence security - remains a mystery.
Some of the enormously sensitive secrets stolen by Pollard may have been either sold, or bartered, by Israel to the Soviet Union.
A number of key CIA agents in the East Bloc were allegedly executed as a result of Pollard's spying. The KGB likely gained access to top-secret U.S. codes - either directly from Israel, or through spies in Israel's government. In short, Pollard's treachery caused one of the worst security disasters in modern U.S. history.
From the Jewish Star Times:
But all of this was dwarfed, according to a principal author of the Weinberger Declaration, by photocopying for Israel the massive 10-volume RASIN Manual. An acronym for Radio and Signal Intelligence [RASIN], the precious manual is known as ''the Bible,'' according to the intelligence officer. The RASIN Manual details America's global listening profile, frequency-by-frequency, source-by-source, geographic slice by geographic slice. RASIN was in effect, a complete roadmap to American signal intelligence. Informed sources say Pollard's RASIN Manual disclosure was the crux of a secret exchange in Judge Robinson's courtroom just moments before the outraged judge finally pronounced a life sentence. Some estimate the loss of the RASIN manual cost America billions of dollars and many years in completely restructuring America's worldwide eavesdropping operation. By any measure, though Pollard has sought to downplay the consequences to the U.S. of his actions, his crime was lasting and devastating to the U.S. intelligence community.
Would that be considered damage?
If the above are true facts, then your reasons for your claims are suspect and overblown!