I panda to no womans bamboo appetite!!
Looks like I won't be having chinese for dinner after all now. oh well I wasn't hungry anyway.
i have often heard women speak about men who think with their meat and two veg!.
it is as if they lay claim to a theory that all male agendas form as thoughts which mainly travel down the cerabal cortex and out through the zipper before coming to life in the real world.. but how do men think women think?.
I panda to no womans bamboo appetite!!
Looks like I won't be having chinese for dinner after all now. oh well I wasn't hungry anyway.
hang in there until the 2-3 min mark..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv-a1vmz6y8&feature=related.
i laughed until my head split open.... ash.
Just imagine if you're wasting your entire life going to church and it all adds up to nothing?
i have often heard women speak about men who think with their meat and two veg!.
it is as if they lay claim to a theory that all male agendas form as thoughts which mainly travel down the cerabal cortex and out through the zipper before coming to life in the real world.. but how do men think women think?.
Like a wise woman once told me, there isn't female thinking, there are individual females who are all unique.
QFT...lumping all women into a category (in a negative way) is a good way to get your relationship with her on the downward spiral. "All women are 'fill in the blank!'" She'll be on the lookout for someone that is, how shall we say this, less narrow minded and hopefully has more thinking skillz than a dead water buffalo.
well, all that work on my resume has finally paid off.
i just received a telephone call to set up my first interview.
it's today at 1:00. if anyone has any access positive vibes or warm thoughts, i'd sure appreciate if you could send them my way.
go get 'em!
do you ever laugh at what you do, or just laugh at what others do?.
i think i laugh more at what i do, than what others do....yep i find myself funny.. .
people think i'm nuts most of the time.... so, what's the funniest thing you did recently?.
all the time ;-)
Did somebody call me?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5z4vs26-ti .
probably not real but a very funny premise.
LOL mexican midget!
god jehovah has had a preoccupation, if not an obsession with meat.
although cain worked hard to produce an offering of vegetables, it was rejected because it was not meat.
priests were instructed to save certain cuts of meat for jehovah, the fatty portions.
Great White Sharks will lazily graze on kelp, birds of prey will adapt their talons to plucking ears of corn, etc.
LOL! and then after they're done lazily grazing on their newfound kelp diets and have a full tummy (while the kelp fights for space in that tummy with all the other stuff the shark ate in that previous 'old' world (licence plates, old cans, Robert Shaw) we'll then put on our scuba gear, sneak up on them, and then tip those bitches right over. shark tipping will be the de facto new sport for all the surviving JWs in the coastal areas.
i don't have to tell you how jw's use the line about how the world is just getting worse and it's a sign that we are in the end times.
what is your thought on the world?
is it really getting worse, or does every generation say that?
Things are worse today?
it is wearing me down.. my constant companion in life, my skull-breaking- mind-blowing- daily migraines finally got the better off me six months ago.
i broke down, i cried and cried and cried.
not only cuz of the pain, but more for the fact that painkillers were not helping me anymore.
You have a PM.