I don't have to tell you how JW's use the line about how the world is just getting worse and it's a sign that we are in the end times. What is your thought on the world? Is it really getting worse, or does every generation say that? Personally I look back to the cold war, Cuban Missle crisis, Vietnam, Korean war, WWII, Great Depression, WWI, the great influenza epidemic, US Civil war, & slavery and I say no.
Is the world really getting worse?
by Wordly Andre 56 Replies latest jw friends
Or even the dark ages and the Crusades. The only thing that I think is getting worse is the abuse to the planet itself. We are thinking up great ways to dig up, drill, burn or poison the earth. As for everything else, i think it is just more well known because of the media.
I find if you wear the right glasses, the world looks much better.
Andre says: I agree we need to save the environment
...if you change your light bulbs we can save the planet AND things will look brighter in that NEW COMPACT LIGHT.
Wordly Andre
I agree we need to save the environment
no the world is not getting worse.
Just stop watching the news on TV , Don't read the paper , and smile to every one you meet , do something nice just because you can.
The world is getting BETTER all the time, and we are the reason it will improve, start little and go global.
Fight for the light '08.
Good post Worldy Andre
I tend to agree.
It's worse in the sense that there are more of us to cause trouble, and we can cause trouble much more efficiently for ourselves and the environment. I don't think there's anything mysterious or mystical about it.
It is getting worse for the JW's.
The Watchtower Society is tightening its grip on their minds.
Wordly Andre
I just don't think the good ole days were really that great, we are living better, living longer, no world wars, not saying it is perfect but drop anyone of us back 100 years ago and see if we could survive a week.
"The world" is getting better. No vassals in Europe, no (official) sharecroppers in the South, no open slavery in the developed world.
Not perfection, but on the whole improvement. Even with our "confused languages".
I even imagine there will be a return of manners and politeness within my lifetime.