JoinedPosts by seedy3
Online Bibles
by JosephAlward ini believe there are many on this forum who are not aware of the many online bibles from which they could almost effortless copy verses to paste into their arguments.
when one refers to a particular verse in a particular book, few readers have the patience to go seach through the whole book.. the online source i use is called "bible gateway.
" it provides several different versions of the bible, and offers word search, which is an indispensible tool for those who take their bible research seriously.. bible gateway is at
Online Bibles
by JosephAlward ini believe there are many on this forum who are not aware of the many online bibles from which they could almost effortless copy verses to paste into their arguments.
when one refers to a particular verse in a particular book, few readers have the patience to go seach through the whole book.. the online source i use is called "bible gateway.
" it provides several different versions of the bible, and offers word search, which is an indispensible tool for those who take their bible research seriously.. bible gateway is at
I tend to get into a lot of bible discussions, even though I don't beleive in the bible, so I have a few research bibles I use, online, here is my list. this is a version of the KJV with notes and sarcasem this is actually a bible that still uses, the original name in the original form, and I don't mean YHWH, I mean Original.
P.S. I think I have 2 others at work I will look tomorrow when I'm there.
Disfellowshipping vs Excommunicating
by anglise inwe all know that the catholic church practises excommunicating, but what is the difference between that and df as used by the dubs.. i know that an exc cannot partake of communion/sacrament, but what else is involved?
Hi anglise,
I live on an ialand that is about 90% catholic many are excommunicated, but none are shunned, that in it's self is the biggest differece. Plus they do not tell you that the only friends you should have need to be JW...... oops Catholic, they also do not tell their Parishners, that those that are Ex'd are apostates, or ones to be avoided. The Ex'd are just limited in what they can do in the church, and it is left to God to decide the rest. Unlike the JW's in that if you are EX'd (DF'd) you are doomed, you are not to be associated with, you are dead!! Avoid those ones, they are discusting people, they will die by the hands of the Almighty God Jehovah. Does that answer your Q?Seedy
Who will survive Armageddon?
by dmouse inwho will survive armageddon?.
look, you stupid publishers, stop saying that we dont know and only jehovah can judge.. your organisation is quite clear on this, everyone not a jehovahs witness will die at armageddon.
if you don't say it too, you're an apostate.. watchtower may 1st, 2002:.
LOL, armegeddon,
Hmmmmmm, Well I guess we all bite the dust.
This whole idea really makes me laugh, come on people.
Sorry for the sarcasem but........ I guess the JW's spoiled me.
Another Example of Watchtower Lies EXPOSED
by Reborn2002 ini thought some of you may find this interesting.
it is so humorous to look into the watchtower bible and tract society's own literature and so blatantly see they change their mind and lie so frequently.. these are direct quotes from their own literature.
if you doubt my posting this, please check for yourself.. now to establish a precedence that the watchtower bible and tract society, the corporate religous entity which provides literature and oversees jehovah's witnesses worldwide, believes it is an inspired prophet, let us look at .
On the subject of whom will be saved according to the JW's there is a very good work listed by some of our more popular posters at
Alan F wrote this particular write up. Nice job Alan.
How many trees is that then?
by dmouse inwhile most of the world not only express concern about the damage we are doing to the environment but also actively try to conserve our dwindling resources, especially natural ones, the society boasts of how much of our precious resources it squanders:.
17. jehovahs blessing is also seen in that jehovahs witnesses publish the most widely distributed bible-based publications in all history.
at the present time, 90 million copies of the watchtower and awake!
I seem to remember a lot of those "Publications" laying around the house and getting thrown out when I was a kid. I never hear about how much they recycle, NOW that might be a real message, OHHHHHH but wait, the world is ending, very soon, so WHO CARES at this point!!!
Stupid idiots
Who wrote Genesis?
by Sargon inyears ago i recall hearing theories that the first five books of the bible may not have been written by moses, and that in fact they may have had several different writers.
i know that the wts's stance on this is that moses did actually write these books.
reading my bible this morning, i came across a couple of passages wich may indicate that genesis did have at least two different authors.. following the death of his father, abram was commanded by his god to leave haran.
Hi Sargon,
In my studies I have found there are 4 that are considered authors of the genisis account, and in fact the early writings of Moses. They are the Elohist, the Yahwist, Duderonomist, and the Priestly. They each have their own writing styles and impotance in the the books of Moses. I can not find the Web page I had that really went inot it deeply but here is one that skims the surface about the 4 different writers, or group of writers. will look for the other references I have about his and find the one that mentioned it in a more full explanation.
Help please! Looking for a WT quote--
by stocwach ini came across a website that included the oct. 1, 1994 wt, p. 6, as a reference for the society basically saying that reading the bible is not enough to understand scripture.
the website did not give a direct quote however.
i was wondering if anyone has a link to this specific wt passage?.
Before Jesus' ascension to heaven, he made it clear that he wanted a great program of Bible education to continue earth wide. (Acts 1:8) He knew that the Bible was meant to be understood.
Acts 1:8 RSV
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth."
NLTBut when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
RSVBut you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth."
Well enough with that, the "Bible" is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, strangly, but true. and for Jesus to indicate that a book that was assembled 300 years later to be the educational medium for his followers of that time is stupid. So Jesus wanted a catholic book to be his followers guide in preaching?? I'm sorry but I must be missing something here. Jesus didn't know anyting about a "Bible"!Seedy
Need advice before I paint myself into a corner
by RedhorseWoman inokay, here goes once again.....and i hope to bob that this forum doesn't bite the dust the way kent's did.
sorry, kent.
Hi RedhorseWoman:
I reciently also found a friend from my JW days on I e-mailed him and found out he is inactive, I have told him I am no longer associated with the Jduds, but I get the feeling he still has feeings that it is the truth. I broke it to him in one email about my research into history and my studies of religons. Then gave him examples like the 607bc bogus date and such, but never really got a response about it. I did get a response, but it was almost as if he didn't read that part of the email. I guess, I'm not sure how to approch him either on the idea of learing the truth about the truth.
I guess, I'm kinda biding my time until it really comes up.
Creation account
by Elsewhere ini noticed that in the two creation accounts in genesis, the order of creation is not the same.
for instance, in account #1, animals are created before humans, and in account #2, animals are created after humans.. account #1. animals created gen. 1:21. humans created gen. 1:26. account #2. humans created gen. 2:7. animals created gen. 2:19. any comments on this?.
"as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
I was doing some research the other day on the writings found at the Ugarit and happend upon this websight. Needless to say I got stuck there for quite some time. This guy or group are christian yet seem to look at the bible in a really different light. It is an interesting read for believers and dis-believers alike. He has a VERY in-depth breakdown on the first 2 chapters of Genisis, most likely more then you will want to read in one setting. It is interesting his hypothysis as to whom Adam was, as well as goes into the biblical flood (in a different article).
Have fun