Tower Man,
It's interesting that no one has been able to 'prove' the bible wrong. In fact, it took science years to catch up with the bible. Until 1492, everyone thought the earth was flat. Isaiah said, in 600 BC, that the earth is a circle. He was right!
Ok lets look at this single instance.
First, you are grouping all of euorpe in that statement, not Asia or Africa, in fact most of the world DID know the earth was a "Sphere" (BTW a circle is not a sphere) The Egyptions calculated it's distance around, long before Isaiah was a twincle in his moma's eye. The people Euorpe were thrown in to a dark age of science not becasue they were cluless to the sciences, but becasue the Christian church would burn them at the stake if they disagreed with church policy. This is one case in point there was an educated person ( I forgot his name) long before Colombus sailed the oceans or even was born that stated the earth was round and it was not the center of the universe as "The Church" said it was, He bacame a human BBQ for his statements.
Colombus didn't use the bible to discover the world was a ball shape, he used his wits and understanding of "Science" by looking over the horizon and seeing how the ships dropped off the horizon. The bible part was used to show the athorties that it could be true.
It was not Science that made the thought that the earth was flat, it was the Christians that did.
Astronomers also thought, in times past, that all stars were the same size and magnitude. However, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, written in the first century AD, said that each star differs from other stars. Not bad for born-again Jew, eh?
Hmmmm interesting thought, but wrong again, there is a group in west Africa that have known about Sirus B long before science ever knew it existed, because they knew it was hidden by the brilliance of Sirus A......... Not bad for a bunch of natives running around in G-strings (their tradition says they knew this for 1,000's of years). The egyptions, babylonians, persions, most anyone that had any science behind their culture knew the stars were all different. It was the ignorant euorpe people that were christians that beleived this, not any one else in the world.
Science has also, in recent years, been conceeding that the earth can't be millions, or billions, of years old. There is a growing trend of scientists who have had no choice but to come to this concusion and are therefore declaring that we live on a 'young' earth.
Young Earth Creationists are not scientists, any archeologist, geologist will not agree with that statement in any way shape or form. I dunno where you get your info, but it sure isn't from the scientists, sounds kinda watchtowery in my opnion.
And as far a prophecy, it's pretty easy to be prophetic when you write it after the fact, and those that were written prior to the fact have all failed.