Thank you for the great post. I did enjoy reading it, even though I find Pattie Robertson to be an idiot (see he would like to have athiests and pagans roasted at the stake if he had the chance), his interview was interesting.
However, it was not a full look at the situation during the tiome of the crusades and the conquests of islam. Carmel is correct that when the the christains took Jeruslaem the christians slaughtered any that were not christian (Jew and Muslim alike. The Pope issued his own Ji-had order, tellng the crusaders that if they die for christ they would be obsolved of their attrocities and give paridise life for their deeds. (not much different then the islamic Ji-had).
However when Salidin (thought the name was Salimn but no matter) re-took the city he allowed all that wanted to leave to leave in peace without blood shed to the civilian population.
When Queen Isabella of Spain expelled the jews from Spain (they were given a choice, convert/leave/die) they had nowhere to go they had no possesions, no property, no money, that was all taken by the Queen and her subjects. This was in a familar year that most americans learned about, 1492, yeah the year Coloumbus sailed to the new world.
The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire welcomed the jews to come to there and live and prosper.
Now don't get me wrong, I feel all three of these religous groups hae gone through their "Blood" period. There just seems to be something in the teachings of the "Holy Books" they tends fo ferver fanatisem in some people and they have to tkae it upon themselves to go killing for it.
Something else that is not mentioned is that the muslims, never oppressed scientific study, like the christians did. If the pope said the earth was the center of the universe then it was. If you had scientific proof it was not, you were burned at the stake as heritic. The Muslim areas of the world were not pushed, by religon, into a "Dark ages" like most of "Christian" Euorpe was. The Library of Alexandria was one such example of the studies that flurished under muslim rule.
I guess that's enough rambling as I am not trying to justify either side, I think religous fanitics need to pop a few more ritilans and get their heads on straight.