Hello Apostateman,
My first wife was also a closet drinker, I put up with it for about 8 years of our 15 year marrage. We went through a car accident, 1 car accident that almost killed my kids. Shae had a blood alchoal level of .20 then twice the legal limit and had not drank for over an hour when she took off in the car, so she was smashed. Needless to say I understand what you may be going through, my wife did all those things too, the lieing, drinking, missng work, ect. She is going to have to get help, but she is going to have to want it. We tried to get her to stop drinking on our own but it never worked, not to sayit will not for you, but it seldom does alone.
AA is a good place to start, before it gets way out of hand. If she refuses to go you may want to try going to Alanon your self for group support, and help, I did for a while, I really didn't care for it, but it did help some.
For me what ended up happening was I told her that I was not going to put up with the lieing and drinking any longer, she now has to make a choice our marrage or the booze. I gave her 2 weeks to decide, she chose the booze. So I left. Tough love is not easy, and can seem quite cold, my current wife is a drug addict (recovering so to speak) she has not used in a few years, but it was a tough time for a while. But the tough love worked with her, she still smokes maryjane, but I have no problem with that, it's the Cocain and things like that are the real problem.
I'm sorry to say there is no easy answer.
If you need any support or just chat, e-mail me, my addy is listed.