Actually Pete.
I have found some of his quotes somewhat out of context, but not very often, the reason I gave them was that what was quoted earlier was not totally out of line with what is the generally accepted in archeology and history.
in a september 22nd, 2002 speech to visiting christian zionists, israeli prime minister ariel sharon asserted, "this land is ours... god gave us the title deeds..." however, recent scholarly research, including discoveries by an archaeological team from the university of tel aviv, not only deconstruct the biblical old testament and torah stories upon which this claim rests, but grant previously unthinkable credence to an ancient historian's claim that the israelites of exodus were actually the hyksos, and therefore of asiatic origin.
to trace the foundations of this ongoing biblical bonfire, we must go back to 1999. .
all hell broke loose in israel in november of that year when prof. ze'ev herzog of tel aviv university announced: "the israelites were never in egypt, did not wander the desert, did not conquer the land, and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes".
Actually Pete.
I have found some of his quotes somewhat out of context, but not very often, the reason I gave them was that what was quoted earlier was not totally out of line with what is the generally accepted in archeology and history.
anyone noticed the newest wt & afake rags have a slick glossy cover?
so much for textured apostate arse wipe!.
Hmmmm the picture I see has as much useful information as the WT and Awake
in a september 22nd, 2002 speech to visiting christian zionists, israeli prime minister ariel sharon asserted, "this land is ours... god gave us the title deeds..." however, recent scholarly research, including discoveries by an archaeological team from the university of tel aviv, not only deconstruct the biblical old testament and torah stories upon which this claim rests, but grant previously unthinkable credence to an ancient historian's claim that the israelites of exodus were actually the hyksos, and therefore of asiatic origin.
to trace the foundations of this ongoing biblical bonfire, we must go back to 1999. .
all hell broke loose in israel in november of that year when prof. ze'ev herzog of tel aviv university announced: "the israelites were never in egypt, did not wander the desert, did not conquer the land, and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes".
Interestinng post, I have read much information dealing with this subject in the past from many different sources. What you mention here is what I have drawn from my readings. Basically that the Hebrews never were in Egypt to any large extent, but were in the mountain areas of Canaan, their name is actually Heparus in Egyption and it means People of the mountains. The Hykos were expelled from Egypt into what is now Canaan, and brought with them the stories of what went on in Egypt and thier traditions. If you look at the bible, it's very obvous that people such as Abraham were from the East, (they say Ur, but who knows for sure) and moved into Canaan, with the traditions of the Hykos, you can see the intermingling of traditions and legends with that of the Mountain peoples (where most likely they hid from the egyptions for a time). The Hepraus most likely had deep rooted traditions in Canaanite religion and adored many of the El, and Baal versions mentioned in the records. One of the Gods mentioned in the Ugrate is YHWH, he was a lesser god, and brother of Baal, son of El, but it is suspected that he was one that was worshipped highly in the mountain areas as well as the deserts. The ties to a real Moses is actually a bit more fuzzy then where many of the traditions come from, but none the less it is interesting the ties of Egyption religious writngs in the bible almost word for word.
Four web pages that have an interesting read on this subject:
i've been here on jwd since last august (?
)....i've read and posted and begun some threads that addressed beliefs in the paranormal and spirituality and i'm truly wondering seems paranormal or spiritual experiences (even my own) are the products of what we've been led to believe....or been taught to any of yall find this to be true for you?
i can even remember having a pre-borg "out-of-body" experience, simply because i read a book on the subject and consciously decided to do it..... if so, what does the possibility of retraining our minds to actually believe only good things for ourselves and our loved ones hold for the future?.
Hi Frannie,
I truely believe that man has the mind ability to do many things that we are not aware of today. too many unexplained things have happened in the past that are not able to be figured by science and physics. such as the Pyrimids (they try to show how they were built, but it is really a febble attempt unless they were alot stronger then us today), the manmade island off of Pohnepae in the pacific, just ot name 2. I used ot accept thier explaintion of the process, but I then found a place called the Coral castle in Florida, built in the 1920's and then wonder how he, alone could have built the place, muchless move it once.
I think with the right training from a child more is possible then what we now have.
part 5 ?
upon my helping my family to leave the watchtower religion, my then 20 year old daughter made this observation:
the governing body as a whole?
A sign in a local sports bar really sums up the whole JW attitude twords the Governing body and how they themselves look upon their positions.
There are 2 rules here:
Rule 1: The Governing Body is always right
Rule 2: If the Governiing body is wrong, see rule 1
The sign in the bar used the word "Boss" where I substituted "Governing body"
a us appeals court has given permission to scientists to study a 9,000-year-old skeleton .
appeal judges ruled it was impossible to establish a relationship between the indian tribes and "kennewick man".
like other early americans, "kennewick man" has a longer, narrower skull than is typical of present-day people.
You mention China, it's interesting that many of the mummies they have found in China are Caucasion, and they shouldn't be there in normal thinking. But they are. So there is much specualtion as to how and why they were there. One other initeresting point is they have found artwork in S. America that seems to be based on Chinese culture from a couple 1,000 years ago, that has really only added to the fuel as to how much man traveled, and how long ago, and how the "New World" was settled. One of the biggest problems they are facing is they suspect that because of the time period at the end of the iceage, when the glaciers were starting to recede, the ocean was at a much lower level then it is now, so many of the encampments of that period are now under water, so this may be a question that may never really be answered, unless they can find some of these, the only thing so far they have found is evidence that there are settlements under water, around the americas, but to find any artifacts intact is going to be tough, it's not like you can do a dig in them like on land.
i have never been a religious person, despite being raised as a witness and going through the motions.
now that i'm out, i'm not a religious person at all.
i don't believe in god, i think there is some sort of higher power, but i'm just not that concerned with learning anything about it.
Interesting you bring up the kids. I was raised by very devoute JW parents, I Temp/Vacation Pioneered many a time, never made it to MS, but my Dad was an elder and my mom was a Reg pioneer for many years. I am on the same level as many of you, I am not religious at all, however I do research religion and find it facinating. My older kids, now 29, 27, 25 were all rasied up to some point as JW's, Nopne of them are now however. My oldest attends a Unitarian Universalists church, my Youngest child, of these 3, is agnostic/athiest pretty much the same way I am, but does not have the interest in religion as I do, My middle one just left the BOrg and I don't think he knows what he is as yet. He went back to them many years after we had stopped going.
However I have 2 younger ones living with me, both boys, one 14 and one 12, the oldest one is so far showing signs of being athiest, he will say the name "Jesus Christ" at times as an expression of distain or swearing, one time I jumped on his case for it, I told him "many people beleive that Jesus Christ is God and to be using that name as a swear word would be very insulting to them so you shouldn't do it, you need to have respect for their beliefs and that includes his mother". He looked at me funny and said, "your kidding me right, they really beleive this guy is God?? That's wierd". The younger one I have a feeling may become a catholic, he h as all kinds of catholic dipictions of Jesus hanging in his room and when the neighbors invite him to go to church with them he always wants to go (My older son will go at times too, but I think that's to be close to the two girls that live next door LOL). I have neveer tried to influence their thinking on the subject of God, my wife has wanted them to atten shurch but I refuse to let that happen, I say when they are old enough to understand they can make their own choices. At times they have Q's about religion, and I give them a historical viewpoint of where it comes from, not a religious view for belief.
a us appeals court has given permission to scientists to study a 9,000-year-old skeleton .
appeal judges ruled it was impossible to establish a relationship between the indian tribes and "kennewick man".
like other early americans, "kennewick man" has a longer, narrower skull than is typical of present-day people.
Some of the other suspicions of this personis that he may have been one of the first Caucasions in the americas. They can only specualte how he got here, but suspect that he may have come from Japan. Japan that long ago was settled by a race of whites, and then the aisians came to settle there and interbred with them. There is still a group of original caucasions on some of the islands in Japan I have been told. But most of this is specualtion. The Native Americans have been up in arms about this ever since they found out how old he was. But so far it has been shown that he most likely was not related to them at all. This should be interesting.
There is also a group (Village) found in Florida that has many bodies buried in the bog that hass been shown to have lived around 6,000 years ago (if memeory serves me correctly). I find it strange, that if mankind is only 6,000 years old, how the hell did they get there start a village and have a whole culture set up by then??.
remember that term that the wts used in it's pubs?
can anyone (like blondie) .
Peacefulpete said:
In the ancient world everything from paralysis to eplilepsy was understood as being caused by demons. The NT itself ascribes these type of physical ailments to the demons. Funny how medical knowledge has banished these demons to the shadows.
This practice is still going on a lot today, all you have to do is listen to people like Patty Robertson when people write in or call in for medical advice. One time I heard him tell a woman that had Diabeites that it was her lack of faith in Gawd that caused this disorder, and the demons are causing it, if she calls on the name of the savour, Jebus, he will aid her and cure her.
What a dipwad, I hate this guy and his colleuges, who all they do is suck up money from poor people and make it sound like their invisable friend will do something grand for them. My ex-mother-inlaw got wrapped up in some group like this, she was diabetic and they kept telling her that if she had enough faith she would be cured, she must have ridden to the hospital 4 or 5 times in an ambulance for her lack of faith, due to a diabetic coma and such. These idiots would show up at the hospital to give her encourgment, the last time I thought her husband was going to kill em.
People even to this day of modern science and medicine, beleive that the problems we have in our lives such as illness are casued by demons, I really think it's a cop out, an excuse, so they don't have to blame themselves or their own geneitcs. "Oh a typhoon is coming, Gawd must be punishing us for something". I think Patty used that one to threaten Orlando when they had "Gay Day" at Disneyland a few years back.
recently a public speaker noted that the earth and humans are insignificant in comparison to the universe with its millions of galaxies and billions of stars.
my question to bible literalist's is... why did god confine satan and his demons to the vicinity of the earth with so many other uninhabited options?.
why not restrict them to uranus with a bunch of meat puppets to beat up?.
They have actually found many stars that have planets around them, they really have no good idea what the planets are like, and have not seen them, they can only see the effect that they have on the "Sun" that they circle. It's amazing to think, that in the small amount of galaxys they can see, that have planets in them, how can anyone think that we are totally alone?