There are some truly great posts in this thread people, very moving.
Pale.emperer I really feel for you dude, please try to think about what you have gained rather than what you've lost. This cult will always do it's best to take something from you, that's what they do after all but what you gain by being free is far better.
Since waking up I've lost some family, many friends and had some pretty horrible stuff said about me in the JW community. On the plus side though, me and my dear wife have just had our first child, something we were going to leave till paradise (it's just around the corner you know!) nothing compares to that man! Btw that's why I haven't been around for a while, the sleepless nights really do take their toll!
I'm over 10 years older than you, and sure I'd have loved to have done this earlier, but when I think what I have now compared to being trapped in a cult I can't stop smiling, this is real life afterall, not some illusion.
Make the most of what you have buddy, 31 is a brilliant age, even if you're starting over. All the best. Aboveusonlysky.