Great comments sanchy and dontfitin, let's face it you could write a list as long as your arm of scriptural contradictions to the way the Borg applies 1 Cor 5 & 2 John vs 10.
Interestingly 2 John is talking about the antichrist and here is the meaning of the word antichrist according to the NWT -
Antichrist. The Greek term has a twofold meaning. It refers to that which is anti, or opposed to, Christ. It may also refer to a false Christ, one in the place of Christ. All people, organizations, or groups that falsely claim to represent Christ or claim to be the Messiah or that oppose Christ and his disciples can properly be called antichrists.—1Jo 2:22
I'm pretty sure we can justify shunning WT literature and leadership on the basis that they have put themselves in the place of Christ with their never ending list of ridiculous rules.