[Yikes! I sure screwed up that coding. Let me try again.]
Hi amused,
I understand where you are coming from; it is better to move on with your life and enjoy it, and that is what you are suggesting. May I kindly explain why some of us who actually have moved on with our lives spend part of that time here?
In my case, I wish to do my small part to help educate others about the realities of the WTS. As you noted, most JWs are very nice persons, and I agree with that. Yet the WTS stands condemned. How can that be? It's similar to the attitude of the person who rails against the corruption of the government but sure likes his next-door neighbor Joe who works down at the local government office. Individuals can be decent human beings, and yet part of a larger corrupt organization. In fact, it is typical of organizations to eventually reach the point where the prime goal of the organization is to perpetuate the organization above all. The WTS has reached this point, and it is resultingly corrupt -- despite all those nice individuals within it.
I just honestly don't see the "mind control" I so frequently hear about.
That's because mind control is by its very nature subtle. Certainly JWs do not engage in the obvious brainwashing of, say, the Moonies. But consider one subtle example: JWs refer to their religion, inevitably, as "the Truth." Yet you and I know it isn't the truth, don't we? So why are JWs taught to refer to it that way? Because it conditions the mind to think of the WTS as the holders of truth.
Did you know that Acts 15 does not say "abstain from blood"? Every JW will quote it that way, for the Watchtower quotes it that way, and yet the actual quote is "keep abstaining from...blood." That "keep" and "-ing" matter, which is why the WTS conditions JWs to think it actually says "abstain" by istelf. Keeps things easier that way, and therefore they condition the mind of JWs accordingly.
Should a JW have a party with 150 guests? "Hmmm...better check the literature to see what the Society says." Where does that impulse come from? From JWs having their minds conditioned to think that every question should be answered by WTS literature.
The Bible does not condemn alternative military service. Originally, Russell didn't condemn it either, and neither did JWs. Then Rutherford condemned it, and every JW could tell you that the Bible forbade doing this. In the mind-90s, this doctrine was reversed once again, and instantly all JWs the world over could easily tell you how the Bible never condems such actions. What changed? The minds of JWs, which were conditioned in one direction and then another direction.
Can you see how, although not as blatantly obvious a form of brainwashing, what JWs experience is a subtle form of conditioning of their mind, and this is why some refer to them as suffering from mind control?
They thing that really set me off was the threads like "whats your favorite name to bash the WT". I don't see that as very constructive? If it makes you feel better and you enjoy it more power too you.
I'm with you on that one, and you'll rarely see me participate in such threads unless I'm making a joke. But I also empathize with others who are still working through their anger. As you say, maybe it helps them, and if so, more power to them. You left at age 16, which means your life wasn't nearly as impacted as it might have been had you remained a JW until you were 26, or 36, or 46, or 56. Many of these folks have made life-altering decisions as JWs that they now regret bitterly, and they have more anger in them than you might imagine. Please understand where it comes from.
Remember my main point don't let someone make up your mind for you. That goes for my post as well. I'm just an arrogant 20 year old who is very opinionated.
And when you reach 30 or 40 years old, you be able to look back at how much more of the world you understand, and especially how much more empathetic toward others you become. We're all arrogant at 20, so I don't begrudge you that!
P.S. Welcome to this site! One of the other reasons I stick around is that I've made some very good friends here, and I like to see my friends occasionally.