Hey, BTS, on this board I'm wearing my just-a-human-being hat, the one with strong opinions about the WTS, science, religion and politics, just like you bro.
When I'm practicing my profession, I'm as even-handed as they come. I did a nice pictorial on the local KHall Quick build last year, I did quite a nice profile on a Benedictine monastary a couple of years ago, and my interviews with all the gubenatorial candidates in my state this past fall were without bias, and I voted for the Republican.
I'd be as fair with you.
It's just that, on this board, I can express my frustration with the nay sayers shitting on a two week old presidency. It's pathetic. Christ, last week I interviewed a guy who wrote the most outrageously prejudiced, anti-Obama letter to the editor I received last year. His view now? "Hey, we elected this guy, I like what I see and hear, let's give him as much support as we can. We sure could use the changes he's talked about."
Compared to you guys he sounds like an Obama worshipper - and he was totally against him.
No, I'm sorry, but you guys sound like the old farts sitting in front of the country store, railing against "that dang blamed" change and progress, sitting on fat asses and just complaining, loving the sound of your own voices. For christ sake, if there were ever a time the country needed everyone to lend a hand to create change, it's now. All I hear from you is the same old same old.
We need some serious changes. Lend a constructive hand or get the fuck out of the way and eat the dust as the future passes you by. It'll give you more to sit there and complain about.