Ask the people in Paris that question?
Posts by Chook
Muslims are not the only terrorists
by fulltimestudent indavid goldman's hongkong based (and web published) media journal, the asia,times describes what may be the world's longest running terrorist insurrection in india.
their latest success was an attack on india's state security forces, in which they killed 26 members of the security force.. you can read the at's attempt to analyse the origins and causes of the naxalite (they are also called maoists) rebellions at:
the hindustan times has a table detailing the dead in this rebellion.. finally, i saw nothing about the latest attack (april) in the aussie media.
Character assassination verse the bullet?
by Chook inwould you as person in a terrorist siege denounce christianity ( even if you were not christian ) and pledge an oath to allah so save your arse from a bullet to the back of your head ?.
Would you as person in a terrorist siege denounce Christianity ( even if you were not Christian ) and pledge an oath to Allah so save your arse from a bullet to the back of your head ?
Why is the white race so different?
by Crazyguy inwhat i'm saying is the white race is the only one that has a verity of eye and hair colors , so what gives?
is it that this race was influenced genetically by a group of pre humans that didn't mix with other races?
If topics hits is of most importance this one leads the pack currently 90 in under 24 hrs. People who live in society where there is not much cultural differences or race types typically have the most racism. I would rather deal with a kind Asian than a arrogant white man. But the real difference in races is that us white skinned people get sunburnt easier.
What Was/Is The Dumbest JW Belief?
by minimus ini think the finished mystery book probably contains the stupidest beliefs ever recorded!
almost any prophecy publication but especially anything to do with revelation, is unbelievable!
That God directs the GB
The new personality
by longgone ini've been thinking about the changes we make within ourselves after leaving the wts cult.
i'm not referring to how we spend our time now that we actually have some, but who we have become, or working to be?.
the gb carries on and on about "stripping off the old personality and putting on the new one.
The new personality is a corporate scam to tow the sheep in line. My wife is perplexed that I have changed, I say I'm returning to my true self without cult undertones. She says I wouldn't of married you if I knew what you were really like and I say JWs wouldn't of accepted me if I was my true self.
Australia: JW found guilty of raping and detaining succession of women
by darkspilver inthis court case has been ongoing for the last couple of months - seems like the first verdicts came out at the end of last week - with more expected shortly.the sydney morning herald, may 12 2017. man found guilty of raping and detaining succession of women .
a man accused of torturing, raping and detaining women he lived with over more than two decades has been found guilty of a raft of charges.. the 52-year-old's trial heard allegations that he physically and psychologically abused a succession of women he lived with on the nsw central coast between 1988 and 2014.. a jury found the man guilty of 10 rape charges and eight count of detaining for advantage in the nsw district court on friday afternoon.
but the jury have not yet reached a verdict on three other counts of indecent assault.. the man, who was a member of the jehovah's witness church, was accused of raping women with household objects, forcing them to eat their dinners off the floor, and hog-tying them and placing them face down in a bath filled with water.. read more:
In Australia we are a country that was established with criminal heritage, convicts from England . We are not all of the same cloth here just trying to pass the buck to mother England.
Best Website in the world - JWORG
by TheWonderofYou injw believe that jworg is the best website and most translated in the world.. i heard this today in streetservice.
there was already a thread about this subject.
anybody can link it?.
If it's the best website in the world ,how come god didn't guide them to register domain name Jehovah
How serious is sexting
by Homer notsimpson insome of y'all may know why i am asking this, but i am curious about it.. sexting in the elders book says it's enough to warrant a jc but it's very loose at it... what's y'all opinion?
do elders care alot of it?
what if it's an old case?
The pop up dating ads on this site would be construed as sexting according to the big GB. I'm surprised no one on here he's asked for examples.
What would happen to the assets of the JW organisation if the cult went into meltdown?
by Half banana inwhat if the jw org became publicly exposed as a repressive and harmful cult working to the detriment of society, the membership dropped away and the gb woke up to reality and quit .
what would happen to the worldwide property and investments of the wtbts and allied companies?
where would the money go then?
I reckon the GB would love to create floating city , it would fall under no national treaties truly independent. The ultimate power with the enforcement of death penalty for crimes against their rules and my god there would be no end in rules. Every corner of this floating apparatus would have judicial rooms. They could just throw the apostates overboard.
I'll pray for you
by I quit! inone thing over the years social media has made me painfully aware of is how many times i see someone use the phrase "i'll pray for you" and the outcome is bad.
recently a friend of mine who at one time was my manager where i worked got cancer.
a lot of people were praying for him.
My classic one liners I used with dickhead elders was
1 just pray for me
2 remember me when you get into your kingdom