The problem with shepards is all sheep are waiting to be fleeced or slaughtered. If you stay in the org you will be fleeced, if you leave you will be slaughtered. So the moral of the story is a choose between being cold or get eaten.
Posts by Chook
Elders as Shepherd and teachers
by Rattigan350 inafter the meeting this week and the song and parts about elders, something occurred to me.
the elders don't teach as shepherds.. when nathan confronted david.
he didn't make an accusation stating that jehovah informed him of what david did.
Laws in the 1000 year kingdom?
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. tried to bring this up with my family.
didnt go well - they cling on to the utopia that the org paints, so i am gonna put this topic to your attention.
i would love to hear what you guys/girls think about this - god or no god i find this interesting.
I was once told pioneers will get first pick of spoils in new world. Regarding laws if Tony tight pants has any influence on laws the scrolls would reach heaven. That's why JWs spout about new scrolls which are really a new list of rules apon rules. In the current form there are directions ( rules ) from GB on a weekly basis, I couldn't imagine that the new world princes ( which of course are chosen from the window cleaning elders ) will have any less rules.
Lot's Wife - Connect the dots -
by Funchback inyay!
now kids can help draw lot's wife getting destroyed.. .
They could join the dots of Noah sleeping with daughters or Lot daughters molestering him in his sleep. What a wonderful colouring book we could make.
Sanderson's hate speech
by Listener ingb member sanderson has given a hate speech in response to the recent russian ban.
it was given as a morning worship rant.
sanderson sports his usual smirk.. he opens up quoting matthew 10:22, 23 about persecution.
All governments throughout history have raped religions of their assets, its just next time governments start raping JWs will cry great tribulation has begun , Babylon the great is gone , then they will have their gobags to take to their bunkers.
Any leaked GB expense receipts?
by Bad_Wolf ini heard how in the 80's the gb always flew first class, nice resort hotels, etc.
there are the photos of geoffrey with his 17k apple watch, etc.
unless they are paying for cash, many of these things would have a paper trail on credit card statements, etc.
The GB would justify any expensive clothing or trinkets on the grounds Jesus received expensive hair oil and a nice garment. The bible can be used to justify any conduct eg murder ,theft from pagans, taking virgin girls as spoils of war , priest class condemning commoners to death . Ask the GB would they delight in commanding the birds of mid heaven to peck each one of our arses on here.
They could sell all halls and reason with the brothers that renting has advantages.
last convention before global attack on witnesses
by Phoebe inso it's not enough that i'm dealing with post traumatic stress/anxiety and panic attacks all related to my life as a jw (50 years baptized -- i stopped going a couple of months ago) at 3 a.m. i get an email from the other side of the world.
'you have to go to the convention.
bro sanderson says we must watch the news, things are happening.
The GB are guilty of fortune telling, they read tea leaves on Wednesdays , I would love to have an IQ test on each GB member. I can tell you which will be their last convention it's the one they can't pay the rent for. The continuous lawsuits will drain the JWs swamp. But with the continuing selling of halls and the old sisters with no one to leave the inheritance to due to no children, just maybe the rent for conventions won't dry up yet. But who am I to out prophesy Mr Sanderson. The black book is to cryptic even for the clowns at head office to interprete . I just can't believe they changed bible colour to silver when everyone on the planet knows in movies it's always black, but god directed them once to make it green . Hang in there Phoebe the boogeyman has no cloths.
Im "Going To Die In Armageddon"
by pale.emperor in3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
It's a bad thing when you have to choose between church and family, this role of cutting off families comes from different directions in JWs , because when people come in they cut off wordly family due to celebrations. Then there's Disfellowshipping which what can I say has emotional crushing abilities . The church has secured a stranglehold on the family arrangement. But one must rise above emotional blackmail and live true to oneself. And by the way Pale I think you will die at Armageddon because you truthfully relayed the 1975 convention recordings. History has a good track record of those speaking truth getting killed.
2017 Convention Video To Be Shown Regarding The 1975 Failure
by pale.emperor in
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
I think a lot will see this video that proves they pushed the whole 1975 agenda and will realise that gods representatives just lied again. They are destroying their own church by being movie stars.
silly observations from that '1975' video...
by undercover inokay, so everyone is bent out of shape about how the wts is re-writing their history on their past failed predictions (1975).
other threads deal in all the evidence to tear apart their shameless propaganda, so i won't dwell on that here.. but, what i will do is list a couple of observations, silly as they are, that aren't about the propaganda so much as it is about the set design, and costume design.
feel free to add to the list.. early scene where the wife is dying.
It's this whole addiction to modern media is what will bring them undone. When the GB were more behind the scenes in decades past there was a mystic persona surrounding them, now Bro Lett and his fellow actors are prime time tv for 8 million minds asking themselves is he really going to be jesus's right hand man. Warwick via is going to provide non stop circus events, we will start with the disappearance of year 1975 , this media apparatus will nail their coffin. Even the most devoted will sneak a look at Google and add key word after JW , then bam , as they read hundreds of experiences one will have an epiphany . Information is always king when governments are over thrown.