The reason I took a couple of weeks to relay this story was , when I seen JWs doing the streets my brother in law and wife knew I would sneak off an bait them. I mightn't have fear of God but certainly still have fear of wife. Some people say grow balls but peace on the home front has its price , and you males who think they have the final say haven't been married to long.
Posts by Chook
I encountered JWs in street a couple of weeks ago.
by Chook ini was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so i went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which i responded no.
i asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
my first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?
I encountered JWs in street a couple of weeks ago.
by Chook ini was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so i went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which i responded no.
i asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
my first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?
I was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so I went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which I responded no. I asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
My first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?" To which the husband said 14 and I asked has he heard of any younger which he denied ( we know Geoffrey Jackson was 11). So I asked is a child in his church free to go and examine other religions without sanctions, to which he replied yes. Then I said if that 14 yo child after being baptised went to another church service to just make sure that the church of their parents was teaching the truth would there be sanctions, I could see them getting uneasy. I pinned them down on the issue by asking if the child would be free to attend family bbq while attending another church. I didn't get angry or agitated I simply tried reasoning that some people would consider getting married at 14 would be unwise based on child's level of maturity. I reasoned that life long binding commitments at 14 seems harsh. I further asked did Jesus's parents shun him when he created his own religion or did John the Baptist get charged with apostasy. I said shunning was once considered pagan practice ( I didn't mention that it was in their own literature). I could see the wife's mind trying to process the info. Just planting seeds.
Can any one find a single incident when JW hierarchy have apologised for any miss application of the bible?
by Chook inconditions are i want to see it in print..
Conditions are I want to see it in print.
The org and going beyond what is written
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. my father just claimed that the good thing about being a witness was how they just let the bible interpret itself.
now i know the irony in this statement, but i dont know what to show him that he just cant discard with some ignorant excuse.
any ideas?
The most horrific statement that this church has made is " some of you won't taste death at all"
If you had the means to kill a terrorist before he detonated would you ?
by Chook ini mean blow their fucking brains out..
I mean blow their fucking brains out.
Just ordered the book Crisis of Conscience
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. i just ordered the book coc, and will son recieve it.
does anyone have anything you want to mention about the book - perhaps some things you stumbled upon that might help me understand something more?
or maybe you have any thoughts you want to share regarding the book?
Poor old Raymond, he didn't even have bitterness that some here have ( me included ). He really showed how democratic the whole voting process was , and innocent brothers died in countries for a simple government issued identity card ( Malawi ) and at the same time in history these guys sitting at the magic table of god on Wednesdays let the brothers in Mexico bribe gov officials to say they had served their military conscription time. Old Raymond has no problem explaining the wranglings of politics to get change. He also said most time on GB was dealing with complex judicial rulings and we know how this church loves rulings.
Southern California USA Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses On High Alert
by JW GoneBad incircuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers and rank & file are stressed out over an ex-jw (kevin) who has visited nearly 20 congregations (orange county) and has high-jacked the opening prayers and done some effective witnessing before he is escorted to the back door.
and everything is caught on video!.
kevin is also visiting numerous jw cart locations from the los angeles area to orange county and giving a most effective wiitness at each location and they're all on video.
These guys will become apostate rockstars, I think I found my calling.
Did you ever have a discussion with an apostate that helped your journey out.
by jwfacts inthere seems to be a number of different ways that apostates try to get jehovah's witnesses realise they do not have the truth, ranging from subtle comments to aggressive attacks.
do you have any that looking back helped you finally leave.
some of the methods include:.
This forum sealed it for me ,Terry and Farkel writings helped heaps ,you naughty apostates lead me astray.
The New terroists That The World have To Confront What is the Answer ?
by smiddy inthis latest attack in manchester u.k. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ?
and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?.
There is no answer to suicide bombers they have the element
of surprise and target is usually reached. Some suicide bombers are children and people generally don't expect evil in the form of a child. There's no way in the world I would like to be soldier at check point in Baghdad, car bombers , women who have lost husbands decide
to join their husbands , then it becomes cyclical. I suggest the core of problems lies in immigration.
If you were on your death bed, what is the ONE thing you would say you have learnt ?
by new hope and happiness ini think i would say " you can not change others you can only change your self" .
if you cant think of anything what is the next number in this sequence?.
what do these sums have in common?.
To those I was related to I would say my genetics in your genes will be there haunting you.