Mine is 5 at a private table
Posts by Chook
How Far Up The Ladder Did You Go In JW Land?
by minimus ini pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
I did pioneering but I didn't even consider that a part of the ladder, I made the grade of publisher , I was of the wrong opinion that everyone was of the same value in gods eyes , so I couldn't see the value of having stripes on my shoulders and extra work for no extra pay. But I do know for a fact now that the celestial powers our elders enjoy has no bounds of human interference. If there is anything that I'm truly grateful for is not " qualifying " for eldership, so now I don't have a bothered soul for spoon feeding this shit to these poor sheep who were forever made to feel guilty and never good enough. I would feel forever plagued if I was on a committee that kicked an under age kid out of the church.
Funeral plan ?
by Chook into all you young and old alike what would you have as a farewell party from this earth , would you party with friends months before or would you go out quietly and rather have input into the wake.
i have heard of these duck hunters who put their ashes in shotgun shells.
To all you Young and old alike what would you have as a farewell party from this earth , would you party with friends months before or would you go out quietly and rather have input into the wake. I have heard of these duck hunters who put their ashes in shotgun shells.
compensation for the abused.
by zeb in'jehovah's witness (1 per cent) did not attend but will be involved in round two of negotiations — one-on-one meetings with the minister's department.
on the abuse compensation scheme reported on the abc.
so they will go into the ministers office with their slickest new lawyers and hope to bullshit the minsters staff.
It looks like they'll need to sell some realestate again , lawyers will drain WT swamp.
JW Uber driver missing, feared dead in NC
by sir82 inhere are links:.
latest: http://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/uber-driver-reported-missing-after-not-returning-home-police-say/525016105.
here is an older story which provides the info that he is a jw: http://www.wbtv.com/story/35488894/cmpd-we-believe-missing-charlotte-uber-driver-is-in-grave-danger.
A very sad day for our fellow man.
Please tell me: what is a relationship with the "person" Jehovah like?
by Maryo indoes anyone out there know of any jws that have talked about what their personal relationship with jehovah was like?
for example, hearing his voice, a certain feeling?
an intellectual understanding?
That's the problem with JWs they had all the answers, who was getting resurrected , who ruled who in the new world , you won't taste death at all , but the whole story fall apart when the antics of the GB are aired live on the orgs new version of Scientology slash Hebrew these warrior men of the lord who are the faithful and discreet slave now are rockstars for their world to see, these guys know every little secret that has history to it and how much money has been paid out to victims of the church . And now that God is guiding this GB of men they have been inspired to announce more ATM machines for the KHs, god told us last Wednesday, thanks brothers god is hearing your prayers.
Are there terrorists amongst us ?
by Chook interrorists come from all walks of life and religion.
terrorism has very broad terms , eg saddam hussain was a friend to the us for years but when it suited us to land grab mr hussain had weapons of mass destruction.
even though he was a terrorist by nature, politics can be cruel.. with these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause.
Terrorists come from all walks of life and religion. Terrorism has very broad terms , eg Saddam Hussain was a friend to the US for years but when it suited US to land grab mr Hussain had Weapons of mass destruction. Even though he was a terrorist by nature, politics can be cruel.
With these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause. I can't think of to many national groups or religions that haven't breed a radical. We all remember that guy who blew the shit out of that KH in Sydney years ago wow what was going through that guys mind. It's total mind control and there is way to many loonies out there.
Now there's no suggestion of blowing up WT carts . Now you have all been put on notice not to do a kamikaze at the book stand . There will be some cheap Russian carts available on eBay soon. Imagined if they tried to open a KH in the tribal areas of Pakistan, nail bombs for breakfast . The moral of the story is ...where is there no war zone ?and are we surrounded by people in a mentally stable nature.
Church turns out to be sex club
by oppostate inmost churches can be thought of as social meeting places, a structure where congregations come together and share a common bond.
a “church” in tennessee, though, has taken togetherness to a whole new level.
nashville authorities say a building registered as a church has actually been hosting late-night swingers parties, where lewd acts have been taking place,.
Hold my hand sisters while we pray.
I encountered JWs in street a couple of weeks ago.
by Chook ini was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so i went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which i responded no.
i asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
my first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?
The reason I took a couple of weeks to relay this story was , when I seen JWs doing the streets my brother in law and wife knew I would sneak off an bait them. I mightn't have fear of God but certainly still have fear of wife. Some people say grow balls but peace on the home front has its price , and you males who think they have the final say haven't been married to long.
I encountered JWs in street a couple of weeks ago.
by Chook ini was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so i went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which i responded no.
i asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
my first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?
I was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so I went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which I responded no. I asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
My first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?" To which the husband said 14 and I asked has he heard of any younger which he denied ( we know Geoffrey Jackson was 11). So I asked is a child in his church free to go and examine other religions without sanctions, to which he replied yes. Then I said if that 14 yo child after being baptised went to another church service to just make sure that the church of their parents was teaching the truth would there be sanctions, I could see them getting uneasy. I pinned them down on the issue by asking if the child would be free to attend family bbq while attending another church. I didn't get angry or agitated I simply tried reasoning that some people would consider getting married at 14 would be unwise based on child's level of maturity. I reasoned that life long binding commitments at 14 seems harsh. I further asked did Jesus's parents shun him when he created his own religion or did John the Baptist get charged with apostasy. I said shunning was once considered pagan practice ( I didn't mention that it was in their own literature). I could see the wife's mind trying to process the info. Just planting seeds.