Again welcome, there seems to be a steady stream of newly annointed apostates, as to welfare the GB are at the receiving end of robbing the widows mite. May your life be blessed .Cheers Chook
Posts by Chook
A "Simple Life": Who's Footing the Bill?
by thebrokenkite inafter much lurking and even sporadic posting under an alias account, i've decided to come out of the "apostate" shadows.
this month marks my 1-year disfellowshipping anniversary.
it's been a long, arduous journey, one that nearly took my life.
JW's Changing Tune
by SickofLies ini left the religion back in the early 2000's, tell you the truth it's been so long now i've been out i don't remember exactly when i left.
i definitely used this site a lot when i first left and it was a great asset.
when i left i somehow managed to get my parents to come with me.
The only tune changed is the GB singing with their new silver sword stuck up their arse , but the forked tongue of deception is flickering at breakneck speed.
Last of the big conventions?
by NikL inhad lunch with some friends during today's waste of time convention.
they spoke of the rumor floating around that the jws will move away from these big regional conventions and have them at assembly halls and tie them in to kingdom halls.. they seemed to believe it was a pretty reliable source.. i think it would be too good to be true but who knows?.
anyone else heard this rumor?.
Conventions are the GBs casino, and there is no jackpot for the sheep. Conventions equal money for nothing, so the party continues, now children keep bringing the ice cream money , and you old sisters who can't afford electricity bills we will take your last pennies too.
Begining of freedom???
by JW-AWAKED J17 inhello every body!.
it's my thirst time here.
i'm verry glad to tell you my resignation as an elder in my local congregation.
Welcome JW Awake
we wish you well, it will be a juggle for a while , anger toward being deceived by church and joy in finding out TTAT. You could still use your influence to help cult affected souls. Again welcome.
1914 is the Key !
by Phizzy ini thought this deserved its own topic.
it is a thought that occurred to me as i read the wt rag that i took to be polite.. it is the public one about the 4 horseman, and it struck me that they are still 100% reliant on their false 1914 doctrine to hang everything on.. if 1914 is proved wrong, what can the credibility of their doomsday message hang on ?.
we all know how to disprove the old 2520 years nonsense, but they seem to at last be hiding that, and simply claiming that world events prove jesus slung the devil out of heaven in 1914.. so, what has that old devil done since 1914, 103 years ago ?.
Ask JWs how many return visits were born before 1914 , even if we move goal posts to 1922 millions now living will never die, guess what nearly all dead.
Lots of newbies posting! Welcome one and all!
by freddo inis there something going on in jaydub land that has brought this on?
hope so!.
Warm Welcome to all new members, I honestly believe that the internet with the privacy to do own research will drain the Jw swamp. The whole Christian course is meant to have a contrite attitude toward past mistakes, the GB has NEVER apologised for any misrepresentation of the bible. Again welcome.
Finally ready to join the crowd.
by Silent Knight inhello, all you damn dirty apostates!
please, allow me to join this community of diseased minds.
i have been lurking here for over 2 years and tonight i decided it's time to come out of the shadows.
You now qualify for the priesthood of apostasy, welcome you've found a new home with unbiased friends, wisdom and love exists here. Don't worry about the elder zealots.
Rutherford though his booklets were better than the Bible
by ILoveTTATT2 inthis appeared in the 1932 booklet "where are the dead"..
All books that encourage people that they will never die can make best seller range, Our famous judge Rutherford promised millions NOW living will never die. There is no better formula for a sales campaign than to offer something the competition is not. There is the chance ( only jokin ) that if we really wondered how JW hierarchy believe that mr rutherford is ruling in heaven now. That's a good question for GB is do they think that the judge is still influencing the org from heaven.
JW Wife not listening
by rathernotsay inhey guys, looking for some advice with what to do with my jw wife that is simply ignoring my wishes/demands.
first a little back story, we have been married for 6 years and have 3 children together.
she is a jw, and i am not (nor do i have any religious beliefs).
Just keep asking her who she helped today and in what capacity did she make their life better, try and reason could there be a non religious course for the day that would of helped her fellow man more.
Jehovah's Witnesses gain their spirituality through the lies and corruption of the Watchtower Corporation
by Finkelstein inwhen one thinks about it this is how jws gain their spirituality and show their spiritual strength by being more involving and assertive in their activity within the religion.. the wts created many dubious doctrines intentionally to attract attention to the literature the wts published, such christ has returned and mankind is living in the last days etc.. the wts even went as far as setting specific dates to further enhance expectations to its followers (1975) there were devised lies and unsupported calculations, nevertheless they accomplished toward their original intent of literature circulation.. you could say the wts exploited people's insecurities and ignorance commercially, socially creating a cult of followers drawing up free labor and money.. unfortunately this fraud with its exploitation and mental manipulation still continues to this day.
JW spirituality is measured by rank for males and for sisters it's rank of spouse. The whole curtain fell down before my eyes on how these guys appointed family member to positions of authority in the Jw church. If one clergymen can look after 150 in his church how come JWs would have roughly 8 elders to 150 publishers, it all about control and towing company line.