That video has rockstar status!
Posts by Chook
Great Theramin Trees video! "Becoming Fools" (JW focus)
by stuckinarut2 inbecoming fools... enjoy!.
Will there ever be an apology from GB for going beyond what's written ?
by Chook injust a simple " we are sorry " .
Just a simple " we are sorry " .
JWs and Pacifism
by pale.emperor inpacifismˈpasɪfɪz(ə)mnoun: pacifismthe belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.. .
one thing that always irked me as a witness was their pacifism.
i totally agree that non violence is a wonderful way to live, but at the same time whenever i'd read or watch something about nazi germany i always thought being a pacifist in that environment wouldn't work.
Remember JW praise the death of the two immorals in the tent that got stabbed in the genitals. They praise violence when it suits their religious agenda, remember don't shed a tear for a DF persons death.
Wanting Less Involvement (long newbie story)
by DepthsResounding ini was raised a jw and am currently pioneer in a foreign language congregation.
i have been unhappy on and off with my involvement in this religion and am ready to step back again.
growing up i was always active but extremely reserved and a low hour publisher.
It's only a choice you can make as to what pasture you feed at , but our friends on here got heartburn from the spiritual food dished out by GB. With time you will see the light , we all wish you well.
Whats in it for them?
by Moster ini have been out for nearly 40 years now - baptized at 14 (although not to the org), but faded away.
but i am wondering about this:.
aside from the obvious power they wield, what's is in it for the gb?
Can you envision 8 million bowing before big Tony and mr Lett , these guys are having their fill now. They out rank all Judical procedures and fly the world as religious rockstars.
A "Simple Life": Who's Footing the Bill?
by thebrokenkite inafter much lurking and even sporadic posting under an alias account, i've decided to come out of the "apostate" shadows.
this month marks my 1-year disfellowshipping anniversary.
it's been a long, arduous journey, one that nearly took my life.
Again welcome, there seems to be a steady stream of newly annointed apostates, as to welfare the GB are at the receiving end of robbing the widows mite. May your life be blessed .Cheers Chook
JW's Changing Tune
by SickofLies ini left the religion back in the early 2000's, tell you the truth it's been so long now i've been out i don't remember exactly when i left.
i definitely used this site a lot when i first left and it was a great asset.
when i left i somehow managed to get my parents to come with me.
The only tune changed is the GB singing with their new silver sword stuck up their arse , but the forked tongue of deception is flickering at breakneck speed.
Last of the big conventions?
by NikL inhad lunch with some friends during today's waste of time convention.
they spoke of the rumor floating around that the jws will move away from these big regional conventions and have them at assembly halls and tie them in to kingdom halls.. they seemed to believe it was a pretty reliable source.. i think it would be too good to be true but who knows?.
anyone else heard this rumor?.
Conventions are the GBs casino, and there is no jackpot for the sheep. Conventions equal money for nothing, so the party continues, now children keep bringing the ice cream money , and you old sisters who can't afford electricity bills we will take your last pennies too.
Begining of freedom???
by JW-AWAKED J17 inhello every body!.
it's my thirst time here.
i'm verry glad to tell you my resignation as an elder in my local congregation.
Welcome JW Awake
we wish you well, it will be a juggle for a while , anger toward being deceived by church and joy in finding out TTAT. You could still use your influence to help cult affected souls. Again welcome.
1914 is the Key !
by Phizzy ini thought this deserved its own topic.
it is a thought that occurred to me as i read the wt rag that i took to be polite.. it is the public one about the 4 horseman, and it struck me that they are still 100% reliant on their false 1914 doctrine to hang everything on.. if 1914 is proved wrong, what can the credibility of their doomsday message hang on ?.
we all know how to disprove the old 2520 years nonsense, but they seem to at last be hiding that, and simply claiming that world events prove jesus slung the devil out of heaven in 1914.. so, what has that old devil done since 1914, 103 years ago ?.
Ask JWs how many return visits were born before 1914 , even if we move goal posts to 1922 millions now living will never die, guess what nearly all dead.